bakugo katsuki | ⛈

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prompt: two idiots on opposite ends of everything get paired up for a rescue mission. [1/3]
category: angst
character: bakuhoe thotsuki
word count: 1062


Almost at the same time, Bakugo's voice rang out.


The two pro-heroes glanced at each other, a hint of irritation glittering in both of their eyes as they glared at one another. Y/n looked away first, crossing her arms with a slight huff as the tips of her fingers burned. "Yes, and it's expected that you two act properly during this mission." The formal man said, sliding two files towards them.

Y/n sighed, recollecting herself as her bulky metal collar released a chill over her, cooling the heat that threatened to erupt from her figure. "I will, but I don't know if this one can," There was a slight bitterness in her tone, making Bakugo gnash his teeth in a frustrated manner. The h/c haired girl spoke softly next. "When are we leaving?"

The man answered, voice stern. "In about two days' time, so make sure to read those files properly and be prepared for the worst. That mountain's known to be one of the coldest." Unfortunately, the two had been paired up for some stupid rescue mission. Well, it was stupid in Bakugo's eyes.

Here he was, supposed to be eons ahead of everyone else that he graduated with but now he was stuck with some girl from his 1-A class. To be fair, they had never gotten along and never bothered to actually know each other, but it was the irritation that counted right now. "I don't want to fucking work with you."

As soon as they had left the cramped and modern-looking office lined with large windows, Bakugo had spat that at her. His eyes were narrowed into a glare; he was more useful alone, couldn't they see that? Y/n didn't say anything, taking in a breath. He watched as red crept up her cheeks before instantly disappearing.

Fingers curled into a hard fist, Y/n walked out, only raising her hands to fix the cardigan that wrapped around her shoulders. Bakugo stared at her with a studious gaze, the elevator doors closing and leaving him behind as she exhaled. Y/n pressed her back against the metal wall, closing her eyes.

"Just this one mission," Y/n groaned, setting her head in her hands.

Just like Bakugo, she didn't like working with other people either. However, it wasn't because she had a competitive spirit. It was the exact opposite. Most people couldn't handle the heat her body exuded during battles, so she was always sent alone. The only person that could stand her was Todoroki, but her being there meant he couldn't use his flames.

Otherwise, the place they were battling in would either burn to a crisp or melt into a pool of nothingness. Heat was always a testy thing for her and putting someone with a fire quirk and someone else with an explosive personality that practically mimicked his quirk was the worst idea her boss had ever made.

She shuffled on her feet, patiently waiting for the elevator doors to slide open. The manila folder pressed against her hand as she headed to her car, immediately getting in only to let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Y/n didn't even bother to start up the engine, sitting down only to flip open the file and read through it.

Still, though, she didn't really need to read it. She had spent enough years watching Bakugo grow up to know his fighting techniques; it was obvious. Y/n skimmed it briefly. There were only a few things she didn't know about him that were listed in the file: his address, his blood type, and his emergency contacts.

Surprisingly, Midoriya was on that list, but she decided it was better to not bring up the broccoli-haired boy when she ran into Bakugo again. Instead, she pressed on the pedal, the engine of her car revving as she sped out of the parking lot and zoomed to her house. On the other hand, Bakugo was far from interested in the file.

Instead, he threw it onto his desk and let it sit there. It's not like anything mattered, right? He was only here to do a quick mission with her and then he'd never run into her ever again; that was his perfect plan. He already knew he would do absolutely amazing and frankly, he didn't need this girl to help with anything.

"One step there and she'll melt the mountain," Bakugo rolled his eyes. It didn't take a genius to know about Y/n's dangerous heat-based quirk and how things could definitely take a turn. Nonetheless, he had gone to school with her and she was known as the person with 'little to no control' of her quirk.

It had initially been her and Midoriya paired together in that category, but the green-haired boy had gotten control of his quirk so quickly that it left Y/n behind. The blond didn't even know if she had control of her quirk yet; the last time he checked, she could raise her body temperature exponentially but didn't have the ability to bring it down.

Either way, why did it matter to him anyway? This mission would be easy, simple. Bakugo groaned softly, hating how the file kept catching his attention. Growing tired of it, he took the file and shoved it into one of the drawers in his desk, deciding to go train in the meantime. Once again, the two were at odds.

Y/n was currently laying on her couch, watching some K-Drama with a bowl of cheese puffs on her laptop. "Just confess already," She whined, shoving a cheese puff into her mouth as she chewed slowly and frowned at the screen in front of her. Y/n never liked training herself to the point of absolute exhaustion.

To her, mental health was more important than physical health; which is what prompted her to always take time for herself to binge shows and enjoy life. Unlike Bakugo, she didn't think this mission was simple and easy, prompting her to watch a stupid show to get her mind off of it. Just one rescue mission would be enough to make sure they never had to work together again.

Surely it couldn't go wrong?

pls go request on fluffentine's <3

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