todoroki shoto | ☁

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prompt: prince shoto and witch y/n :) [1/2]
category: fluff
character: king of daddy issues
word count: 1402
requested by: Layodou

YOU GRUNTED, pushing another tree branch out of your way as you trekked through the forest. You couldn't remember exactly how long you had been searching, but you knew it had to be a while. Your clothes were sticking to your form due to the humidity and the bugs that flew around you were only irritating you more. Taking a short break, you leaned against a tree and pulled out the small paper from your pouch.

On the paper was a faded drawing of a flower, one you were tasked to find. Apparently, they grew in this forest but only during one specific time of the year. It was important to find an abundance of them now before they began to whither away. You folded the worn paper and put it away again. With a sigh, you continued on your search.

"Why is it so hot already?" The heat inside the forest was truly awful. It only felt worse with the cloak you needed to wear to conceal the unique tattoos on your body. You let out a huff before pulling your hood further over your face to keep any mosquitoes away. With your hand, you attempted to swat anything else away.

There was no reason for one stupid plant to take so long to find. And you could tell it would be night soon. You would have to end your search soon because being out at night was dangerous for even you. Pushing through another bush, you wanted to scream when you realized you had gone in a circle.

"This is hopeless!" Although you greatly wanted to give up, Tsuyu would not be the happiest if you did. While the girl probably would be understanding of your situation, you didn't want to cause an inconvenience for her or her business. "Just suck it up and find the flower." You let out a sigh as you decided to go in a different direction.

A sudden rustling in a nearby bush caused you to pause in your movements. With wide eyes, you changed your gaze towards the greenery. A slight glow emitted from your hands at the possibility of a threat but it quickly disappeared when a small bunny emerged. Scoffing at your own paranoia, you stared back at the small animal.

"Are you gonna show me where this dumb flower is?" Now you've resorted to talking to animals, great.

The bunny's nose twitched before it leaped past you to an area you had not gone. You sighed but took the chance and followed after the small thing. When you finally arrived in the clearing, its nose was in the air almost as if it were waiting for you. It was then you spotted the bush full of the bright blue flower and you gasped.

"Wow you actually did show me. . ." The bunny stared for a second before hopping away somewhere else in the forest. You hummed as you reached the bush, taking the satchel Tsuyu had given you off your back. You quickly began to pluck the flowers from the bush and throw them into the leather bag. You were doing fine until you heard a cough that almost made you shriek.

Looking around for who had made the noise, you couldn't spot anyone. "Uhh hello?" Perhaps it had been your mind playing tricks on you, and thinking such you went back to work. That was until a second cough tore through the air, on the opposite side of the bush. Gathering the last of the flowers, you decided to go take a look at whoever was there.

You closed the bag and hid it under the cloak on your back. There was slight hesitance in your movements but you finally mustered the courage to push past the bush and see who was there. "Is anybody over here?" There was no response. You glanced around a bit until your eyes landed on a man who was leaning against a tree, seeming to be asleep.

Instantly upon seeing him, your eyes widened and you rushed to his side. It wasn't too out of the ordinary to find people napping in the forest. What was concerning was the large red spot that stained the front of his white shirt. You kneeled by his side, snapping your finger in his face to try and awaken him.

"Sir! Sir!" Lightly shaking his shoulder, you waited for some kind of response but got nothing. You anxiously glanced around for a second, searching for anyone else. When you determined the two of you were alone, you kneeled in front of him. Removing the hood from your head so you could see better, you hoped your hair would shield your face if anyone were to come by.

Although you felt wrong doing so, you began to unbutton his shirt, only stopping once you exposed the bloody wound across his chest. Your paranoia required you to check your surroundings once more before muttering a small incantation and placing your hands on his chest.

A white glow emitted from your hands before the wound on his chest slowly began to close. While he was healing you glanced at his face to see if he showed any signs of waking. He didn't seem like he would wake up soon but you knew his wound was healing. You took the moment to observe his appearance, taking note of his odd dual-toned hair.

Compared to some of the people you had seen it wasn't really that odd.

Looking over his facial features, you couldn't help the heat that crept up your neck. It would be a lie to say he wasn't handsome. With his sharp features and nice physique. Even the scar on his face seemed to amplify his beauty. You shook those thoughts out of your head. You should be focusing on saving him, not how pretty he is.

You kept your hands on him until you heard a quiet cough leave his lips. Startled, you pulled your hands away and backed up a bit. His eyelids began to move and his lip twitched slightly. You quickly stood and put your hood back on just as his eyes opened. He seemed confused, looking up at you just as you turned around to walk away.

"Wait!" You stopped mid-step. Turning your head just enough to see him, you watched as he felt his chest. He seemed shocked to discover that the wound wasn't there, but its remnants were still present on his shirt. "Did you heal me?" Choosing not to say anything, you quickly rushed off.

You could hear him calling after you but you dismissed his calls as you ran out of the forest. The sound of your heart thumping in your ears was so loud it overtook your hearing. The hood of your cloak flew off as you finally made it out of the forest. It took a moment for you to catch your breath, the familiar scenery making you calm down.

You started back to Tsuyu's house, hoping that what happened earlier would simply be something of the past.

"You found so many! Thank you Y/n-chan!" You smiled at your friend's happiness. Tsuyu was pulling the flowers out of the satchel, examining each one. They well all still put together which was great. "It's nothing Tsu, I'm just glad I could help." You left her alone to go upstairs to your room in the little flower shop.

Following her parents, Tsuyu opened her own shop and had been kind enough to let you live with her. In return, you often ran errands for her and worked as the only medic in the area. Though, it was just your magic healing people.

As soon as the door shut your cloak floated away from your body and hung itself on the door. The unique markings on your arm glowed as a book from the shelf floated towards you. The curtain in your room blocked any light from entering and a few candles lit up as you walked by them. Seating yourself down on the floor, the book opened to the page you last left off on and your body began to float off the ground.

Everything was back to normal.

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