Chapter Three

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Jordan's POV

I was walking down the street when my phone rang indicating someone had texted me. I ignored it at first as I was about to cross the street and arrive to my destination which was Zoey's apartment.

She had left her wallet at work yesterday and since I surprisingly —or more like unsurprisingly really— I don't have her number I decided on going to her place. How do I know where she lives? Well our special one time thing was there and I happen to remember the way.

Weird that I don't have her number yet I know where she lives, I know.

When I was inside the building I decided to get my phone out to see who was texting me and was surprised and a bit pleased to see it was from Olivia so I quickly added her.


Hey Jordan, it's Olivia

You know the girl from the club


I chuckled and put the phone back in my pocket after responding to her—I got out of the elevator and as soon as I did my phone rang again.

Wow that was quick.


The drunk redhead?

Wait that didn't sound good...

The girl you helped out the
other night


Nope, no clue



Nah I'm just messing with you

Hey Olivia

I reached the door of Zoey's apartment and knocked on it receiving a 'coming' from the other side and a couple of seconds later it opened up showing my confused coworker—probably wondering what was I doing here. I don't blame her though, I would be confused too if I was her.

"Jordan? What are you doing here?" Zoey asked while leaning against the side of her door with crossed arms over her chest.

"I came to give you this," I reached for her wallet in my hoodie's pocket and showed it to her making her eyes widen in surprise and excitement.

"Oh my god Jordan you're the best! I thought I had lost it, thank you so much." She said and I gave it to her.

"You're welcome. I found it between the tequila bottles, how did it end up there? I have no idea." I scratched the back of my neck.

"I was about to have a life crisis thinking I had lost it, again you're a life saver Jord," she gave me a sincere smile of gratitude.

"It's nothing really— I just saw it, took a couple of bucks from it and brought it here," I joked earning a laugh and a gentle push from her. "No but really it's not a big deal."

Zoey nodded and looked inside her appartment, "You want to come in?"

I put my hands inside my hoodie and looked down. "I don't want to bother."

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