Chapter Twenty One

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Jordan's POV

"I don't see why we have to go clubbing when I could use this free day to relax and sleep." I complained to Rob.

"Because first—we are remodeling the club for the next two weeks so we have free time, second—Wade is finally back and we want to go out and third—we have to celebrate that you finally man up and applied to be a firefighter!" Rob counted the reasons, holding three of his fingers up.

"That's not really something to celebrate." I said and continued playing games on my phone.

"It sure is, we are all proud of you Jord." Wade said coming out his room with his hair wet from taking a shower—he ruffled my hair and I saw him go sit besides his boyfriend from the corner of my eye.

Applying to be a firefighter wasn't a easy decision for me to make... it took me a while and I kind of self isolated and lose myself for a bit because of it until I ultimately got the courage and applied. The whole thing —what once was dream to me— now just brought... not unpleasant but rather harsh memories for me, from things I haven't got over that I should. One of those being mainly her. But at this point in my life I should be over her, it's been years... so that often makes me wonder if I ever will.

Rob groaned, "Can you put that thing down and pay attention to me?!"

I gazer away up from my game for a second to give him a quick bored look and then went back to my phone.

"You are impossible, can you at least pretend you are excited about tonight?" Rob moved his arms in the air-a bit over dramatic.

"Oh yeah I've been dragged to party tonight against my will... yei!" I said with no emotion in my tone as I kept playing.

Rob groaned louder and Wade chuckled. Then all of sudden my phone was snatched from my hands and I was met with the smirking face of Rob, "Are you really ignoring me to play free fire?"

I rolled my eyes at him.

"Give me my phone back."

"I'll give it to you when you get the hell up from the couch so we can get going to the club."

Oh yeah, it's already tonight.

I looked at Wade, "Help me out dude."

He chuckled again and took the phone from his boyfriend and gave it to me. "Sorry babe," he kissed Rob's cheek and turned his attention back to me "But we should get going J, Bash and Zoey will be waiting for us at the club."

Great, more people to socialize with.

I sighed and got up from the couch—I followed them out of their apartment while Rob talked my ear off all the way from the apartment to the lobby. "And why didn't you invite your girlfriend?"

I nudged his side lightly with my elbow, "Olivia is not my girlfriend, shut up idiot."

"Oh but you do know who I'm referring to!"

I sighed and looked at Wade. "How do you deal with him every day?"

"It's hard work," Wade responded making Rob pout. "But is worthy and his dorky ass makes me happy." He smiled genuinely and gave his lips a kiss.

I smiled at the cute couple and got inside Wade's car.

"So why didn't you?" I heard Rob ask me from the front seat.

"Why didn't I, what?"

"Invite Olivia." Wade responded for him.

I shrugged, "She's a mom and she probably has better things to do anyway."

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