Chapter Fifty Four

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Jordan's POV

Olivia had kept her word, when the time came she was in the flight with me to Atlanta... she was with me all the way through it until we got to the too familiar cemetery. Savannah had stayed back home with both Chris and Vivianna babysitting her. You could say her dad and her weren't on good terms yet so she has stayed home with Olivia ever since.

"Are you okay?" Olivia asked as we walked.

"As fine as I can be today, normally in the past few years I had been a mess during this day—crying and getting wasted... not a pretty sight." I felt her squeeze my arm supportingly.

"You are not alone anymore."

"Yeah... I'm glad about that." I truly was, it made the pain ache less.

I had a bouquet of flowers—lilies, she loved those, but Jade loved every flower as well so I tried to leave a different kind of flower every time I visited.

Jade's parents to my knowledge came to visit during the mornings, so me in the attempt to avoid them passed by during the afternoons in these dates. It's not like we don't get along anymore— the complete opposite in fact, the problem was... me. It hurt me to be around them without her—I felt like I was taking advantage of their kindness if I stayed without Jade, so I left.

We did have a discussion the last time I talked to mrs. Foster through the phone though, well more like I went off on her, not the other way and now that my anger was dissipated I only felt shame from blowing off on the woman that has been there during most of my life in place of my own mother. So I avoided them for shame of myself. Mrs. Foster was also were Jade had gotten practically her entire face so seeing her... gave me an idea of how Jade would've looked if she got to get older and that hurt me too much.

"It's here." I said stopping in front of the grave that had Jade's name. There were fresh flowers on it so I could only guess that I was right about her parents coming earlier in the morning.

I gulped as I looked down at it. What if I was disrespecting Jade by bringing my new girlfriend here?

Olivia squeezing my hand brought me back to reality.

"Do you need me to leave?" She asked.

I shook my head, "Maybe I should introduce you to her."

I put the lilies on top of the grave and sat on the grass—Olivia looked down at me before hesitatingly following and sitting besides me.

"Hey there superstar... it's me again. I wanted you to meet Olivia, she's— she's my girlfriend. I know... about time isn't it?" I smiled sadly.

"Nice to finally meet you Jade." Olivia said not letting go of my hand.

"It's been five years since you've been gone and I... I am starting to heal and moving on— I have moved on I met this incredible woman that has stayed by my side and pushed me forward to try and heal, she's been my rock since I met her and I couldn't be more grateful to have found love again in such a person. To be able love someone else besides you." I looked at Olivia in the last part as the words flowed effortlessly from my mouth.

Her blue eyes were watering and her brows furrowed in shock by the mi revelation. "I know you wanted me to live for me, to move on once you were gone you kept repeating it it was impossible not to hear it. I can finally tell you that— that I have and that I am doing it."

I swallowed a sob and smiled instead, "I miss you Jade. I always will, there won't be a day where I won't miss you because I won't forget you... ever."

"You— you love me?" Olivia asked in disbelief.

"I do I love you so much Olivia, and I'm sorry it took me so long to say it back." I wiped some of her tears off before hugging her against me.

I hope you are happy for me.

Knowing her she is.

I kissed the top of her head before she backed away—Liv wiped her tears again and and smiled at me. "I'll give you a moment alone, I know you need it."

"You sure?" I couldn't deny that I needed it.

"Yeah I'll wait for you over there." Olivia pointed to the spot and began walking away but not before pecking my cheek and saying something else. "I didn't personally know you Jade... but from what I've heard I can easily tell why Jordan holds so much love for you. I hope that wherever you are you're in peace."

That brought even more tears to my eyes. I put a hand on her gravestone and sighed shakily. "I think is time for me to start mending my past, time for me to see your parents again and put my shame to the side. I miss your mom and your dad, they were looking out for me and I... I didn't see it at the time."

I caressed the gravestone and let my hand fall to the grass. "I'll be here every year, like always telling you about my life, difference is now I have memories worth telling you about." I stood up and looked down at it. "I love you."

Spotting where Olivia stood I headed there, she was texting and the tears on her cheeks were now gone—although her eyes were slightly red.

"All done?" She asked lifting her head from her phone.


"Are you okay?"

"I'm starting to be." I let Olivia engulf me into a hug and I just breathed her in, her presence, her touch, everything. "I love you." I repeated the confession without any hesitation.

"I love you too Jord, so much." She backed away and kissed me on the lips—her hands cupping and caressing my face. "What now?" She asked with her lips gracing mine.

"I have some things to solve here in Atlanta, I get if you can't stay because Savannah is back home though."

Olivia shook her head, "No is okay, she is with Chris and Viv I don't have to worry. What is it that you have to do?"

I sighed, "I'm going to Jade's parents house."

"Oh... do you not want me to go with you?"

"I do actually, they acted more like my parents than my own. I would love for you to meet them and them to meet you. It's just— last time we talked they— Jade's mom gave my mom my phone number. I got mad and blew up on them." I pursed my lips and looked away from her.

"Your mom? Did you speak to her?"

I shook my head, "I picked the phone once and when I knew it was her I hung up. She calls me every week at the same time ever since."

"Why didn't you just block her number?" She asked—confusion clear in her blue eyes.

"I don't know."

I truly didn't. I should have but I guess I didn't have it in me to do it. I wish that I did.


A/N - Long time I know sorry.


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