Chapter Twenty

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Olivia's POV

"Wait, say that again?" Vivianna looked at me with a shocked expression.

I sighed and put the towel that I was using to dry the sweat for my neck over my shoulder. I just finished my last class of the day and I'm exhausted. "Do I really have to repeat myself?"

"Yes, because it's you so it's pretty hard to believe what you said. I'm going to need you to, you know, rewind a bit. So you and Jordan were going to make cookies when Jeremy came knocking on your door to pick up Savannah—he didn't like Jordan then he threw a fit as always, then you two talked and flirted—"

"I never said we flirted." I interrupted my best friend.

"By the things you told me you two were definitely flirting. Anyway, so next thing you know she asked you if 'you kissed as good as you bake' and then you two are just about to kiss... and her phone rings." Vivianna poited when she got to the end of the recap.

"Yes Viv, that's exactly what happened." I leaned against the wall and observed my best friend.

"You two almost kissed so that means you wanted to kiss her, right."

My eyes widened, "I—I didn't say that, I'm not— I'm not a—"

"You're not a what, Olivia?" Vivianna questioned me with a raised brow.

"I don't like women... at least I don't think I do."

"You don't think you do?"

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. "Please don't start questioning me, Vivianna."

"How can I not when you give me those answers? Also, why didn't you tell Chris about this?"

"You know why I didn't tell Chris."

"Olivia, it's been years. Chris is over her crush on you."

"I know but... it's not fair, I turned her down because I told I didn't like women and here I am—getting swept off my feets by one."

"First of all Liv, you know Chris would never hold that over you. And you can't force yourself to like someone even if our friend got hurt because of it... also did you just admitted to liking Jordan?" Vivianna explained with shock on her voice tone at last.

I scratched my neck nervously. There's something about that first part that no one knows but I don't think is the moment to admit that now—I will just not now. "I didn't say that." I denied.

"You just said that Jordan swept you off your feet!" Vivianna exclaimed.

"No, I didn't?"

"Yes, you did."

"I don't remember that." I walked pass my best friend and started to put all my things inside my bag so I could go and pick up Savannah from school before heading home.

"Oh my god, you so like her! Who would've thought? I always thought that you were the straight token girl from our group— wait you have to tell Jordan you like h—"

"No! I'm not telling anyone anything."

"Why not?"

"Because— because I'm not sure about myself or my sexuality. And I don't want to experiment with Jordan—so I'm not telling her anything until I figure myself out first."

It's all really so damn confusing to me—ever since that moment with Jordan at my house something changed— like I've started to see her in a different kind of way. Then I started to think of all the moments between us —us dancing in the club standing out among them— how incredibly sweet Jordan really is, no matter how closed off and difficult to understand she is, she has always been so gentle with me.

And all of it made something warm in my chest... it was confusing, but I do like it, it feels good.

"That is understandable, and I'm here for you if you need help while doing that, Liv. Also just know that you don't owe it to anyone to tell them. It's your decision." Vivianna followed me out of the studio and waited for me to lock the door.

"When I figure myself out and I'm ready I will tell her... and Jordan." I told her as we got inside my car.

"You know what's the best way to experiment?" Vivianna asked me waiting for me to answer—but when she saw I couldn't she just rolled her eyes and went on to answer herself. "Kissing strangers."

"Excuse me?"

"It's friday, we go clubbing tonight and you can kiss some women and figure out if you like it or not. It's a brilliant idea." Vivianna exclaimed with a proud look on her face.

I started to drive again after the light turned green. "I can't go clubbing tonight, Viv. If you don't remember, I have a fourteen year old daughter and no babysitter."

"Sav is big enough to be left alone at home."

"She really is not." I responded as I parked in front of the high school. I thought about the remote possibility of letting Savannah stay at home and just the mere thought of it made me anxious, it's not that I don't trust her but... okay, I don't trust her. She would surely make a mess.

"You are such a bore, Liv... no offense."

Before I could respond, my daughter got inside the car. "Hey mom, Viv," she greeted us both.

"Hello Sav!"

"Hi sweetie, how was school?" I asked while I pulled out from in front the high school and started our way home.

Savannah shrugged while looking at her phone. "It was fine, I guess. Can I go to Jennifer's house tonight?"

"Yes!" Vivianna answered for me.

"Cool." Savannah said.

"Hey, I'm the mom!" I complained at my best friend.

"So that's a no?" I heard Savanna ask me.

I sighed. "No, it's not a no. You can go."

My as well go along with Vivianna's plan now that the Savannah situation is solved for the night.


"Do I need to drop you of there later or...?"

"Her mom is picking me up." Savannah responded.

"Alright." I saw an overexcited Vivianna with a winner face on the passenger seat. She didn't say anything for the rest of our drive to my house—probably because Savannah was with us, but I knew that she was going to blow once my daughter got off the car.

And once we got to my house and Savannah got out of the car she did so.

"This is so perfect! Tonight is going to be fun." Vivianna exclaimed loudly.

"Where are we even going to go? And you can't invite Chris because I don't want her to know yet. So what are we even going to tell her?" I bombarded my friend with a bunch of questions that were honestly driving me crazy since she suggested going out tonight.

"Olivia can you calm down? I got it all figured out already, all you need to do is worry about what you are going to wear tonight." Vivianna reassured me— but I didn't really feel reassured.

Lying to Chris about this made me feel terrible— well I'm not sure if it can be considered lying in the first place... maybe retaining information.

"Fine, but you are helping me with that."


A/N - Bit short for this book, but next one will be longer, hopefully.

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