Chapter Thirty Eight

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Olivia's POV


That was the first thing I heard in my sleep. Coming from no other than the person laying besides me.

Slowly opening my eyes I watched as Jordan looked at herself underneath the covers. I raised my brow, my eyes still sleepy, "What are you doing?"

Jordan's head snapped to meet my gaze, her eyes wide by seeing me awake and looking at her. "I— how did I— end up here...?"  Her sight inspecting me.

"Calm down, we didn't have sex."

"I didn't think we did—"

"The first thing you did was look under the covers, Jordan." I admit that it hurt me that she assumed that I would do such a thing. But at the same time I understand her. "Anyway, you got here on an uber in the middle of the night... drunk."

Does she really not remember anything? Does that mean she doesn't remember asking me to be her girlfriend then?

Jordan face turned into a grimace, her head falling on the pillow. "I'm so, so sorry Olivia. This is embarrassing," she mumbled the last part—her eyes closed in shame.

"It's fine Jordan... can I ask where you were?" I know she said Atlanta last night, but I'm hoping she specifies more now that she's sober. Maybe I'm being to straight forward to it? We just woke up and I'm already questioning her, but how can I not after last night?

"I was— solving some personal matters... back in Atlanta." Jordan ran a hand through her dark hair and sat up against the bed frame, the faint sun-rays leaking through the curtains lighting her brown eyes, making them look like two pools autumn leaves—matching her soft tanned skin. Her tongue wetting her dry lips making them redder.

"Oh." I muttered distractedly. I shook myself and turned to look at the clock on my bedside table. Six in the morning, Savannah must be sleeping still.

"I'm sorry for showing up like that, I understand if you are mad. You have a daughter, it was irresponsible of me to come here drunk. I'm really sorry also for not texting or calling you... I just couldn't." Jordan seemed nothing but sincere... yet I was disappointed that she didn't seem to want to get deeper onto the fact of why she disappeared.

I can't force it out of her, as much as I want to. I have to respect her privacy.

"I was mad, but not because of last night. I was mad because you yet again disappeared without a trace. I even had to call Rob to ask if he knew anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I need to know where you are all the time, not at all. I was just worried about you." I explained, not wanting Jordan to feel like I was being... clingy or overbearing.

"I get that, it's just a personal matter and during that day I just— can't talk to anyone. I should've told you before hand though. Sorry for worrying you." Jordan gave me the best smile she could—it was obvious whatever she went to Atlanta for, it wasn't easy for her to talk about. Especially if she got as drunk as she did, I can't even imagine what it could be.

"It's fine. You are okay, so that's all that matter." We sat side by side on my bed, not much words exchanged, Jordan was not a person to talk a lot—only if she had to or wanted to. Forcing her to speak was like talking to a ice wall... that will not melt.

Jordan surprised me then, when she moved and put her hands on my hips and stopped to look at me briefly. Catching up on what she was doing—bring me over all the way to her lap, my legs straddling her. But what shocked me the most was when she brought me into a hug — her arms around me and her face hidden against the side of my neck. I was stunned for a second, but embraced her back once I realized what was happening.

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