Chapter Fourty

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Jordan's POV

"Brandon." I heard Olivia say from the top of the stairs as she went down. I peeked to catch a glimpse of the man without being completely seen by him, he had red hair like Olivia, but a bit dark and short; brown eyes, a trimmed beard and was very tall.

This is the brother Olivia once mentioned. I don't know much about him since she's hardly talked about him, but I know he's her younger brother.

"Big sis." The man stepped inside the house and engulfed Olivia into a big thigh hug, lifting her off the floor briefly.

"You didn't tell me you were coming to visit." Olivia said once they broke the hug. I felt awkward being hidden up here, but it would be even more awkward if I go down. Something I will eventually have to do.

"I wanted to surprise you, why? Are you busy?" I heard Brandon ask.

"No, no it's fine."

"She does have a guest though, come downstairs hobo." Savannah's eyes met with mine. Of course she knew I was up here.

Olivia looked at me, a nervous look on her face hidden behind her smile. A nudge of her head indicating me to in fact come down stairs to join the conversation and meet her brother.

This all seems so fast, we barely became a couple this morning and I'm meeting her brother already. Yeah he came for surprise, but this is fast, too fast.

Breathe Jordan, don't panic.

I let my feet guide me through the steps of the stairs, each one of them feeling like miles until I finally reached them. My brain was running with thoughts and I felt my anxiety creeping inside of me.

What if he doesn't like me? I mean Savannah's jerk of a father still thought badly of me, who's to say Brandon wouldn't? Would that affect Olivia's decision? If her family doesn't like me, will she end things? It wouldn't be the first time, and if they went to judge by my looks, not many see beyond the tattoos and finding I never even made it to be a college dropout. I'm just a complete loser.

Will it make Olivia realize I'm not worthy?

Me showing up drunk and crying was glimpse enough, this could he the final kick and make it my shortest relationship. Not that theres many competition, this would be my second and shortest relationship.

Olivia grabbed my arm once I reached the end of the stairs and I felt like I could breath again. Her mere touch was enough to soothe my blooming anxiety and I knew then that I was in trouble. "Brandon this is Jordan my... friend. Jordan this is my brother, Brandon."

And just like that I felt like I was thrown a bucket of freezing water.

Friend? Didn't we just become an official couple?

Wait. Is Olivia not out to her family yet?

"Nice to meet you Jordan." The redhead man that looked alike Olivia shook my hand.

"You too." I smiled tightly. I let his hand go and noticed Savannah had retreated to the kitchen, leaving the three of us alone and me feeling terribly awkward. "I should go."

"What?" Olivia said, her brows furrowed in upset.

"You guys should have some family time and I should head home... thanks for letting me crash here last night Olivia." I stood there restraining myself from kissing her, so I just awkwardly patted her shoulder.

"Jordan don't go."

"Yeah listen to my sister, I would love to get to know a new friend of hers. I already know everything about Chris, Vivianna and Dalton. It's nice to see a new face." The smile on Brandon's face was genuine and I could tell he was as much of a good and nice person as his sister was.

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