Chapter Twenty Two

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Jordan's POV

"Where are you going now?" My dad stopped before I could leave the house.

I gulped when I saw him and my mom sat on the living looking at me. "I'm going to visit Jade."

"Oh, is she still at the hospital?" My mom asked with a gentle expression.

"No, she got released yesterday."  Jade had spent over a month in the hospital, her condition was a bit... dodgy? I think that could be the word. But she is now stable and good enough to go back to her life— with some restrictions, of course, but for now she will be fine. At least that what her doctor said.

"Don't you think you are spending too much time with that girl?"  My dad commented.

"Rui, her friend is sick, be understanding." My mom spoke before I could—it was a good thing she did though, knowing me I would've started discussing or more like fighting with my dad.

He hummed, "It's Sunday, Jordan. Shouldn't you be doing your homework?"

"I already did it." I lied—doing my homework has never been my priority except when I need to pass, but it has become even less important ever since Jade got sick.

My dad stared at me as if he knew I was lying. "If your grades get even lower than they already are and you fail, know that you won't see that girl again until your summer break."

I bit the inside of my cheek to restrain myself from talking back to him and instead nodded once. I looked at my mom in search for approval that I could go and she smiled at me.

"Don't be home too late and let me know if you are coming before dinner." She said, her tone gentle and loving — the complete opposite of my dad's firm and authoritative one.

"Bye." I didn't there look at my dad and instead kept my gaze down until I exited the house.

I put on my helmet and grabbed my bicycle from the grass—I got on it and started pedaling towards Jade's house. It wasn't that far from mine but it still took me about five minutes to get to it on bike—eight or ten if I'm walking. It's been a couple of really rough months, Jade had to spent her Christmas holidays on the hospital and even though her parents and I were there with her almost everyday, I knew she was anything but happy. She put on a good act but I know her better. It made me sad to see her so unmotivated and... broken.

The fact that I couldn't do anything to make her feel better destroyed me, how I wish it was me and not her, if I could switch positions with her I would do it in a beat.

I would do anything to keep that smile on her face.

When I got to Jade's house I left my bike on her yard, her mom's car was parked outside so I know she's not home alone—I doubt she will be home alone as often or if at all anymore.

I knocked on the front door and soon enough Mrs. Foster was the one to open it. "Hey Jordan, come in," she welcomed me.

"Hi Mrs. Foster, how are you?" I fiddle nervously with my fingers—even if it's been months since Jade told me her mom knows about and that she's cool with it, I still get nervous.

"I'm fine sweetheart, Jade is upstairs in her room. If you two need anything just let me know." She smiled at me but it was a bit forced, she just seemed exhausted.

I nodded, "Thanks." I watched her walk away to the kitchen before I headed upstairs.

I knocked on Jade's bedroom door and waited for her to say something before I came in. She was laying on her side on her bed, her curtains were closed stopping the light from coming in. I closed the door softly behind me and approached her bed.

"Jade?" I sat besided her on the border of the bed and put my hand over arm.

"Jordan." Jade looked up at me with red teary eyes.

I frowned and wiped the ones staining her cheeks. "What's wrong baby?"

"Nothing," she sniffed. "I'm just... tired I guess."

"We both know that you can't lie to me, Jade." I put a strand of her dark hair behind her ear. "What's really wrong?"

Jade averted her gaze as more tears fell from her eyes. "I— we— we need to break up."

I felt my heart break inside my chest.


"We need to break up." She repeated—her voice wavering.

"No, no Jade, w-what do you mean— you can't do this... why?" I tried so hard to not break down right here in front of her.

"Because... you deserve better than this Jordan."

"Than what? What are you talking about?" I asked with frustration.

"Me! You deserve better than be stuck with a sickly person that could drop dead at any moment!"

"Don't say that Jade!"

"Why?! Is the truth, you know it is, the doctors know it, I know it—is just a matter of when it will happen."

"It's not! You don't know that for sure, so don't say that."

"It is, Jordan, and that's exactly we need to break up." She was now sitting as she took my hands in hers but I refused to look at her. "You need to live your life and enjoy it, I will just hold you back—and I don't want that for you, I love you too much to do that to you. You don't owe me anything Jordan, so please don't feel guilty."

I looked back at her and scoffed. "Do you even hear yourself? Do you really think I'm with you because I pity you or something like thar?" Jade turned her face away—so I cupped her face with my hands so she could look at me as I spoke to her. "I don't pity you, Jade—I love you, I am so in love with you that the mere thought of losing you kills me inside. I enjoy life because you are in it, you don't hold me back—you could never, you push me to want to be better everyday. So don't come here with these excuses to break us up because you think is for the best and easier."

I rested my forehead against her's as she quietly cried, much like me. "I love you Jade and I'm here, I will always be here with you through all the good and bad —especially through the bad— so please don't push me away. I'm your girlfriend but I'm also your best friend so trust me that there's no way you could get me to leave you."

"I just want better for you, Jordan." Jade said with a broken voice.

"There's no one that could ever be better than you. You are the love of my life Jade... you are all I need."

Jade engulfed me in a hug right there, and I just held her as she cried. She hasn't cried since the day she found out about her heart condition... so this didn't surprise me, she was holding everything in, probably so she wouldn't worry anyone more than they already are. But that's not fair to her, she needs to be able to cry and be sad so she can process it.

"I'm sorry." Jade mumbled once she calmed down a bit more. We were now laying on her bed with me holding her from behind.

I shook my head, "Don't be sorry."

"I love you."

"I know and I love you."

"I'm still so scared... and I don't want to be selfish, but I don't want to lose you either."

"You won't, and you aren't because this is what I want, so please don't try to push me away." I kissed her head.

"I won't. I promise Jordy. But I need you to promise me something too."


She turned around in my arms to look at me. "Promise me you won't live for me. Promise me that you will live for you."

"I— I promise."


A/N - Don't forget to like and comment!

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