Chapter Ten

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Jordan's POV

"Jordy you can't keep getting on fights." Jade said with a sigh as she dabbed a cotton over the gash on my eyebrow.

"I had to."

"Yeah? Why exactly did you have to?"

"Brad was spying on the girls locker room while they were getting changed." I remembered the disgusting guy perving while he hid on the locker room. It enraged me so bad that I couldn't held myself from kicking him in the nuts... it was just unfortunate he recovered quickly and was taller than me.

"I get that you were trying to do the right thing, but he could've hurt you worse if the coach didn't come in time." I hissed when she cleaned my broken lip with another cotton.

"Doesn't matter, it was worthy anyway."

"It matters to me, what if he hurt you worse than this. He's a guy and imbecil that doesn't care that you're a girl, he could have done worse." I looked into blue eyes full of worry and sadness that it made my heart ache.

Jade put the cottons away and remained with her gaze down. I lifted her face with my finger under her chin and saw her watery eyes, "Hey, hey I'm sorry, okay? I don't regret it however."

"You keep getting on fights that you can't win, Jordan and one day it's going to end up badly. Maybe not right now but when you graduate there won't be teachers around to save you," she wiped the two tears that fell from her eyes.

"Jade don't cry, this is something dumb is not worthy. I promise you that I will stop getting on fights, okay? I will thinh before I act and try not to result to that." I grabbed her hands and then hugged.

"You're such a dumbass." Jade mumbled against my shoulder.

"I'm your dumbass." I said making her chuckle.

"Of course you are, silly."

We broke the hug and Jade put the things inside the medic kit and then looked remained looking down but this time fiddled with her hands. Something I know she also does when she's nervous or wants to tell me something.

"What is it Jade?" At that she looked up and put a strand of black hair behind her ear—her hair was up in a ponytail and she looked so pretty.

"Well there was something I wanted to tell you before the whole fight thing."

"Okay... what is it?" I repeated.

"So there's— there's this guy David, you probably know him—"

"David Simmons, from the basketball team?"

"Yeah him... he asked me out and I... said yes."

I felt a pang in my chest at that.

But what was I even expecting? I never confessed my feelings for Jade, is obvious that she would date someone at some point. I was a freaking coward and these are the consequences—but I prefer this than telling her how I feel and losing her because of it.

"Really? That's... that's great, I'm happy for you, Jade." I managed to give her the best smile I could muster.

"It is. Thank you for being supportive, Jordy."

"I just want you to be happy, that's the only thing I've ever wanted."

And it was their truth, even if it wasn't with me I wanted Jade to be happy, no matter what... no matter if seeing her with someone else destroyed me on the inside.

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