Chapter Four

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Jordan's POV

There was an unsettling feeling inside of me as I walked down the streets of Boston. I was on the way for my... coffee meet? Hang out? I'm not sure how to call it exactly all I know is that it definitely isn't a date. I no longer do relationships—one with a terrible end was enough to scarr me for life.

That sounded a bit overdramatic but I don't have other way to put it.

As I walked by I sensed my phone ringing on my pocket and after it didn't stop I knew it wasn't a text. I didn't even need to take it out to know exactly who was calling but I still did. I checked the time and couldn't help but let out a humourless chuckle.

Never misses.

As I always do I just ignored it and let the phone keep ringing and ringing until it ultimately stopped on it's own.

I tried to focus my thoughts in something else than the person that was calling me and the first thing to come in mind was—to my surprise— Olivia. I've met her twice and yet here I am, on my way to have evening coffee with her after I helped her and took her home a week or something ago. Olivia is a very gorgeous woman and she looks like a sweet and nice one too but I can't say more than 'looks like' because I don't actually know her and I don't want to.

Becoming some kind of friends with Rob and I guess now Zoey is more than enough for me—I just accepted Olivia's invitation to not seem rude and honestly I don't even want to sleep with her like I usually would with someone else, maybe if we hadn't met before I would but doing it now she could take it as more than a one time thing so that's completely off the table.

Maybe I'm overthinking things too much.

To my luck I was just in front of the coffee shop that I told Olivia to meet me at. I opened the door and was immediately engulfed by the sweet aroma of fresh coffee and the sound of the people's chattering. I searched around the sea of people and it took me not more than one glance to spot the fiery red mane of hair that stood out amongst the crowded room. If there was one thing I knew from the red beauty was that she stood out from the rest— at least to me she did.

I walked to her table and even when I reached her Olivia was still yet to notice me. She seemed to be lost in her own thoughts as her gaze was stuck on the window facing the street. It took for me speak for her to snap out of her thoughts.

"This seat taken?"

That got her attention and once she saw it was me a bright pearly smile took over her freckled face.

Yes, definitely a stand out.

"It is now."

"Have you been waiting long?" I asked as I sat.

Olivia shook her head, "Not really, don't worry."

I thought of things I could bring up to talk about but it's been so long since I've done this kind of stuff. Sitting with someone I don't know in what could be defined a date by people, but I refuse to call it that. One would think that it's easier to talk to someone you don't know, like there's so many questions to ask and things to learn about the other— but at the same time you don't know which will be an overstep or something you shouldn't have even asked, it's tricky.

Socialization has never been my forth, not in the past and especially not now when besides that 'hang out' with Zoey was the longest I've had in years—the other were just quick hook ups with people I didn't even get to know their names.

I'll jut go with the basic, something simple.

"Do you want something to drink?" I asked.

Obviously we are in a coffee shop, stupid question. But she could also not want to so... it was worth a shot.

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