Chapter Twenty Four

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Jordan's POV

"What do you mean by she has a girlfriend? What?" I asked Chris—still shocked by the new information.

"What you heard, now act normal because here they come." Chris said in my ear with her arm still around my shoulders.

"Chris!" Olivia came forward to hug her best friend. "Jordan." She pulled away from the hug and looked at me.

"Hey Olivia..." I stared at her but she just averted her gaze—I felt Chris nudge my side and I took that as a sign for me to introduce myself. "I'm Jordan, nice to meet you." I extended my hand towards... I don't remember her name.

"Amy, Olivia's girlfriend." She responded with a painfully obvious fake smile. I frowned slightly before taking my hand back.

I already don't like her.

Olivia cleared her throat—breaking the awkward silence. "We are going to go inside and get settled," she looked at Chris and I briefly before walking away with the other woman.

"Well that was awkward." Chris commented as we watched disappear inside the house.

"What the hell is her problem?"

"I wish I knew, I don't like her either if you were curious."

"Since when does even Olivia like women?" This was so confusing, like, I didn't leave for that long.

I know I saw her kiss some random woman at the club a while ago, but I just thought it was a one time thing because she was drunk off her ass.

"Oh Jordan, you have missed more than you think." Chris hooked her arm with man and we began walking—this place was very  pretty and private, the big house was in front of the lake, even had a small guest house and a boat keep inside what looked like another small house? I'm not sure of it's name.

"Care to tell me what exactly have I missed? Because none of this is making sense in my mind." I sighed.

"Well to keep things short and not overshare much cause I'm not sure what Olivia is comfortable telling, but since she brought the woman to the trip there's not much that isn't allowed to tell." I nodded at her words as we began walking through a small path on the woods. "Apparently Olivia had started to question her sexuality a while back, so Vivianna took her to a gay club so she could experiment."

"I saw them once, why weren't you there?" I interrupted her.

"They told me that you did and I wasn't there because they didn't tell me."


"That's a story for another time, now let's go back to the current story." I nodded and she continued. "So in one of those escapades she meet Amy—Olivia at first wasn't sure of her but they went out on some dates and apparently they hit it off. They have been dating for, I don't know a month? I don't think they are that serious but that bitch Amy for sure thinks so."

"I take that you don't like her."

"The bitch thinks she owns Olivia! Like, who the hell does she think she is? They've known each other for barely two months—she's crazy! And this is all your fault."

My head snapped to look at her and I frowned. "What? How is this my fault? I didn't even know Olivia liked women, and even if I did that wouldn't have made a difference."

"Yes it would."


"I can't tell you that."

I groaned, "You are not making any sense."

"Sorry Jord, also you need to fix things with Olivia."

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