Chapter Thirty Four

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Jordan's POV

"My ass hurts."

"Well that tends to happen after a five hour drive, Jordy." Jade came out of the other side car and walked towards the trunk.

"I am aware of that,"  I grumbled following behind her. She went on to grab our packs but I got ahead of her before she could.

Jade gave me a look of annoyance, "I can carry my own bags."

I shrugged and ignored herlocking the car I heard a door open and close soon followed by a voice a know too well. "Jade, sweetheart!" Lara Foster came to greet her daughter by pulling into a hug, her husband following close.

Trevor stood in front of me awkwardly I stretched my hand towards him to shake. Releasing a sigh he ignored my hand and instead brought me into a hug. I was tense at first, but eventually warmed up to his fatherly like affection and reciprocated the hug, "Hey kid."

"Hey sirTrevor." I reminded myself of the many times he insisted on me not calling him that, it was a rather hard habit to drop.

We broke the hug and Trevor moved to now greet his daughterhowever it took no time till I was engulfed in a hug again, this time by Jade's mom. I didn't really have time to reciprocate it this time before she put some space between usnow cradling my face in her hands. Big blue eyes staring into meeyes that resembled those of Jade, her mother and her were too alike physically, her mom being an older version of her.

I wonder if Jade will look like her mom at her age.

"'My girl, you look beautiful Jordan." Lara went from grabbing my face to taking a hold of my hands. "I see you got some tattoos."

"Is that a bad thing?" I questioned nervously.

"Not at all dear, they look very pretty and interesting." She took my arm and inspected the ones in it.

"Of course they do, I helped pick most of them." Jade reveled as she walked past me and grabbed her bag out of my hands.

"What the" I stared after her, when I was about to follow her Trevor gave me a look of reassurance and did so himself instead.

Lara chuckled at our interchange, but I could only just sigh. Noticing my dull humor the older woman interlaced her arm with mine, "How are things going between you two?"

"We were fine last night till we had a conversation. I think it got her on one of her moods." Ever since she was diagnosed there were times where Jade could go from her usual cheeriness and positive attitude, to a state of indifference, bitchyness as much as she could possibly manage to be oneor none stop crying.

They didn't happen often, most of those times were when she had a doctor's appointment or she let herself overthink so much that she lost herself inside her mindtorturing herself by default. I didn't hold it over her though, I could never understand what her situation could be like.

Lara hummed in comprehension, "Just give her space, she'll come out of it on her ownshe always does."

"I guess you are right." I mumbled.

"How has she been? Besides that."

"She's been welltaking her medication, attending her classes, going out with her friends sometimes." I fiddled with my hand that was inside my pocket.

"And you? Are you well, Jordan? Have you made any friends?" Her eyes shone with concerna mother's concern.

"I am okay, I'm happy." And I was, just not in this particular moment.

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