Chapter Fourty Two

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Jordan's POV

"You scared me."

"Jordan I was just tired nothing else." Jade sat in the couch of our living room as I passed back and forth.

"I had to go pick you up at work because your coworker was worried something was happening to you!" I exclaimed hoping she would see the gravity of the problem.

"Sasha was just overreacting, I'm fine."

I stopped walking to stand in front of her, "You are not! Jade it has been six years since your diagnose. And this is second time in two weeks that you have been sent home because you almost passed out at work. Yet you don't want to go to the doctor."

"Because I'm tired Jordan!" Jade stood up a bit faster than she should have as she winced. "I'm so tired and exhausted of doctors and hospitals... I know I'm going to die but I don't want it to be in a hospital bed."

"Jade please, you don't have to stay at the hospital just go with me and get checked. Do it for me and for your parents, please." I held her hands in mine, her eyes dull and her face paler than usual... still refusing me to take her to the hospital for weeks now. She hasn't listened to me or her parents pleads.

I feel like she's slipping through my fingers and there's nothing I can do to prevent it.


"Please." I was almost begging at this point.

"Jordan I already went to the doctor." She revealed making me stop and look at her in confusion.


"I went last week," she stopped me from talking so she could continue. "There's nothing to do, not anymore. I'm done with doctors and hospitals and medicines, is over Jordan. I don't want the time that I have left to be spend in a hospital room, please understand that."

"You... why didn't- why didn't you tell me. Why didn't let me go with you!" I felt like I was losing air, not matter how deep I breath I couldn't feel the air in my lungs as my surroundings spun.

I knew Jade was touching my face and saying something to me but I couldn't hear her. I couldn't even feel her hands. I didn't notice that we were on the couch or that I was wrapped around her arms not until the feeling of air returned to my lungs and the scent of Jade welcomed me.

"Calm down Jordan please, I'm here... I'm still here." Jade ran her fingers through my hair, my head laid against her chest hearing her heartbeat.

It's still beating, she's still here.

"How long?" Was the only thing that slip pass my lips.

"Days, two weeks at most."

In how many pieces can a heart break before it can't anymore? How many hits can someone get until you become numb? Because I've feeling every single hit since I was born and I'm yet to become numb to the pain.

This will be my breaking point.

"How could you tell me this now?" I turned to look at her blue eyes filled with tears just like mine were. "Were you waiting for what? For me to wake up to you dead besides me?"

"I was going to tell Jordan."

"What if it was too late?" She didn't know what to say, she knew I was right.

"I'm sorry." Jade took my face into her hands again, I tried to hold back in the tears. I was tired of crying but I knew it was just the beginning, that the tears wouldn't stop for a long time, probably not ever. "I couldn't bear you hearing that Jordan, I was trying to protect you but it was selfish as well."

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