Chapter Five

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Jordan's POV

Sundays were probably the best part of my week as it was my free day. But they were also the most boring of my days.

See besides work I don't really have much of a life. I don't like having friends nor do I have any family that cares about my well being so that has turned my life a little lonely. It's not that I don't like it is just that as I said — it can get boring.

I debated on whether to call Zoey and ask her what she's up to but then my mind wandered off to a certain redhead. Since the last time I saw her last week my thoughts seem to go back to her a lot.

Finding out the glaring teenager was her daughter was honestly shocking but mainly because of Olivia's age and that the girl looked to be around thirteen or something — I don't know. But I didn't think any of it, is her life and surely I'm not one to be judging others—I don't like to. Plus I just met her.

But for some reason though I wanted to text her, we haven't spoke since that night last week when she asked me if I got home safe but I want to talk to her ever since—I really want to and it's because I do that I haven't done it. I don't want to get to know her or grow attached to her— which I know I will if I text her now.

Who am I trying to fool... I'm just gonna do it. It doesn't hurt to have a new friend every so often. I mean, yes I apparently have Zoey now as one as well but... yeah I'll just text her to see how she is doing.

It's the polite thing to do.

I stared at my chat with Olivia as my fingers hovered over the keyboard in hesitation—thinking what exactly was I going to even text her that wouldn't make me sound like an idiot.

Never mind I'll just call her instead.

I looked at her contact for a second before finally pressing call, it ringed three times before the call was picked up.

"Hi Jordan."

"Olivia, hey." I stood up from my malnourished couch and walked around the small apartment. I never can stay still when I'm on a call

I need to change that couch—I thought looking at it.

"How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good... kinda bored though."

"Oh, so you just called me cause you're bored?"

I stopped walking around, "What? No, no, of course not I—" I rushed out not wanting her to misinterpret.

"Jordan I'm messing with you," she giggled over the phone.

"Oh, oh yeah, I knew that." I mumbled and ran a hand throught my face feeling embarrassed.

She hummed, "Sure you did."

"Anyways, what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm at the ballet studio."

"On a Sunday?"

"Well, like you—I was bored."

"Right," I chuckled.

"You should come by, if you want too."

I bit my lip, "Do you want me too?"

"I am asking you to come, am I not?"

"One can never be too sure."

"Come over and find out then Jordan, I'll text you the adress." With that Olivia ended the call.

Was she flirting?

No, no way, teasing doesn't mean flirting.

My thoughts were cut off short by the sound of my phone. I checked it to see that Olivia had sent the adress of the studio.

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