Chapter Nine

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Olivia's POV

"Well done today girls, you will all be more than ready way before the recital." I said to my students as the class was over for today.

We've been practicing the nutcracker for the last month and I'm now confident that my girls are more than ready for it. It would be my first recital with them so it's exciting.

I was changing my shoes when I heard the door of the studio open up and the voices of my two best friends following.

"Olivia!" Chris came into view yelling with Vivianna by her side with her usual smile.

"Chris for god's sake can you stop yelling? There's no one else here besides us, I can hear you perfectly." I complained as I put my ballet shoes inside my bag.

"Oh, is someone moody today?" Vivianna teased me.

I sighed and put my bag over my shoulder, "No, but I just got out of class with eleven year old kids, I don't need to hear more yelling today."

Vivianna rolled her eyes, "You know Chris gets overexcited, Liv."

"You both know I'm right here?" Chris inserted herself in the conversation again.


"See Chris? She is moody today." Vivianna said.

"Yeah you may be right about that Viv, the question now would be, why?" The two idiots looked at me with narrowed eyes.

I sighed and ignored them — I moved to close the studio while my two friends followed me around. "Shouldn't you two be at work?" I asked and went out of the studio with them.

"Chris and I didn't have much to do today in the office so we decided to come see our friend— who we know gets out of work at this hour." Vivianna said matter-of-factly. They both work together as graphic designers for a company. They were planning to make their own company together but they're still a bit far from accomplishing it.

"So what are we doing tonight?" Chris asked as we walked to my car.

"We are not doing anything, it's Wednesday and I need to go pick up Savannah from school right now." I said as I unlocked my car and got in.

"Nice we'll follow you in our cars. See you at your place." Chris decided before pulling Vivianna with her to where their cars were.

I started to drive towards Savannah's school and when I got there she had me wait for her outside for like fifteen minutes. Chris and Vivianna got tired of waiting and went to my house.

Finally after what it seemed like forever Savannah got inside the car. "What took you so long? I've been out here for fifteen minutes, Savannah."

"I got held back by my teacher, what do you want me to do?" She replied with an attitude—I rubbed my temples and sighed before starting the car.

"You watch that tone with me, I'm your mother and I respect you so I'm expecting that back from you. I'm not one of your friends." I said not looking away from the road.

"Sorry, whatever. Am I seeing dad tomorrow?"

I shook my head lightly and stopped at a red light. "No, your dad is apparently going out of town for business so... next week."

Savannah bit the inside of her cheek, "It's the same from last time."

"You know how your dad is, Savannah— I don't control his schedule. I'm sure he wants to see you but he's just busy."

"Yeah with his other family." She said bitterly.

"I'm sorry." I didn't know what else to say. I know some part of her blames me for her dad having another family even if it's not my fault at all. Jeremy made his decision when we were young and I did mine— and he chose wrong, time and time again. Now his neglect over the daughter he fought to be able to see is costing me, my daughter is seeing me as the bad guy because of his own selfishness.

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