Chapter Fifteen

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Jordan's POV

I was never the best when it came to math—or any class in particular for that matter, I usually just fall asleep in the middle of the class or just spend my time mindlessly drawing on my notebook. None of the school subjects interested me, it's not like the would be of any use to me when I graduate — I want to be a firefighter not an engineer.

Junior year had just started three months ago and I was already fed up with it.

I couldn't wait for this class to be over so I could go and see Jade. Her and I had started dating —secretly unfortunately— but our summer together was one of the best times of my life if not the best. It has been months since I had asked her to be my girlfriend yet it still feels surreal, even more than unreal that when she confessed to like me too.

Jade Foster is my girlfriend—my best friend since forever and prettiest girl in town is dating me.

I was broke from my thoughts when I heard the school bell and without wasting any time I got my things and rushed out of the classroom-making my way to Jade's class.

When I got there the class room was already empty confusing me as where would she be.

Maybe the class ended early.

I was walking through the empty hall typing a text to Jade when I suddenly got pulled into a room.

"What the—"

"Hey there lover girl." Jade said with a smirk on her beautiful face while pinning me to the wall.

I smiled at the sight of my girlfriend and leaned in to kiss her—it was brief but it was sweet and it make my insides feel like they were on fire. Every time I kissed Jade I felt like my heart was going to burst through my chest.

"I was looking for you," I said after breaking the kiss.

"I know but I really wanted to kiss you so I waited for you here." Jade gave me that sweet smile of hers. It was then that I finally noticed what she was wearing and found myself in awe.

"God, I will never not get awe struck by how amazingly beautiful you look in your cheer uniform."

Even in the dim lighted supply closet I could recognize the faint tint on Jade's cheeks—she giggled and pushed my shoulder lightly. "You sure have a pretty way with compliments, dumbass."

"Ouch, I admire your beauty and all I get is a 'dumbass' from you? You break my heart Jade Foster." I joked and put a hand on my chest a bit dramatically.

"Have you ever thought about getting into theater? I think you would be an excellent actress, babe — drama comes to you naturally." Jade laughed while I rolled my eyes and started poking her ribs—earning a melodious laughter out of her.

"You have cheer practice? On game day?" I asked as I planted little kisses all over her neck.

She hummed and played with my hair, "Monica wants us to rehearsal the routine one more time before tonight."

"Are you excited? It's your first time cheering a game."

"I am, it has been a bit tiring but I'm excited. You will be there watching me from the stands, right?" I backed from her neck and looked her in the eyes.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I smiled and looked down from her blue eyes to her lips—they were too in a smile—showcasing her beautiful pearly white teeths.

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