Chapter Seven

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Jordan's POV

I looked at the screen of my phone as it kept ringing.

I wonder how many more years of me not picking it up it's going to take for them to give up.

I looked at the time and was impressed how it's always at the same hour. The phone eventually stopped ringing and I knew that was the only and last time the number will call for today.

It was a perfectly boring Sunday afternoon and my free day. I had been sleeping since I got home last night at three in the morning till now— four in the afternoon. I was exhausted and my body finally gave up from the overwork I have been going through these past weeks.

Sometimes I wonder how much lack of sleep and overworking will my body be able to resist until it kills me. It sounds over dramatic but my style of life is not exactly the healthiest nor I take care of myself as much as I should—but all of that goes back to the fact that I do not care if I die.

I've felt dead inside for years now anyway.

My depressing thoughts were cut off by my phone surprisingly ringing again but this time it was another person calling me.

I contemplated on answering or not but I gave in at the end and picked up the call.

"Hello Olivia."

"Hello there handsome—not Olivia, sorry." I was welcomed by the voice of Chris instead.

"Uh, is this not her number?"

"It is but I took her phone," she explained as if it weren't a big deal and to her it probably wasn't.

"Can I know why?" I asked and then heard some rustling from the other side and what it sounded like Olivia's voice. "What was that?" I didn't get a reply for a few seconds.

"Nothing out of the ordinary... so anyways, I was actually calling you to invite you over for dinner at Liv's house." Chris said with some rustling still sounding at the back.

"I don't know... shouldn't Olivia be the one inviting me?" It wasn't Chris' house and I wasn't about to appear out of nowhere if Olivia didn't want me there in her house, it would be weird and wrong.

"Oh she's b—" she was cut off and the ruffling became louder and then stopped— only laughs were heard.

"Jordan?" It was now Olivia's voice speaking through the phone.

"Olivia." I said blankly—already getting bored with whatever this is.

I heard what sounded like a door shuting before she spoke again. "Sorry about that, Chris and Vivianna are so annoying."

"So Chris was joking about dinner?"

"What? No, no! I was going to ask you but Chris just... took my phone and called you before I could take it back."

I hummed, "Is there a special occasion for dinner?" I asked with pure curiosity.

"Actually yes— it might be my birthday today... so I'm doing this barbecue at my house with Chris, Vivianna, Vivianna's boyfriend and my daughter." At the new information I sat up on the bed.

"What? Why didn't you tell me today is your birthday?" I rubbed my forehead in aggravation. I hate missing birthdays of people that I'm close with, makes me feel bad. Like, I can pass many things but birthdays are just special to me.

"I forgot... it's not a big deal really." Olivias waved it off.

"It really is, you only get one a year." I was putting on a shirt as I was only on my bra and some shorts.

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