Chapter Eighteen

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Jordan's POV

We've been in the hospital for I'm not sure how long — maybe two hours? Four? And neither Jade's parents or me have been able to see her, the doctors are apparently still running some tests on her and we have to wait until they're done to see her.

Ever since Jade collapsed on the football camp everything has been agonizing.

"Here." I heard and I looked up to see Mrs. Foster standing in front of me-offering me a bottle of water.

"Thanks sir." I mumbled and gulped down the refreshing water. I didn't realize how thirsty I was until now—but in all fairness I couldn't focus on anything but Jade right now.

"Your welcome, kid." He sat by my side on the waiting room and soon enough Mrs. Foster joined us—she had gone to the bathroom a few minutes ago.

They both looked exhausted, I guess that's what worry does to you.

"Why is it taking them so long?" Mrs. Foster said with desperation.

"We need to have patience honey," Jade's dad squeezed his wife's hand reassuringly.

Mrs. Foster sighed but gave her husband a small smile that seemed more a sad one than anything.

As if on cue the doctor came out of the room—he spotted us and walked towards us, his face was plain and held no recognizable emotion and I didn't know if that was bad or not.

I stood up alongside with Jade's parents—my whole being swirling with worry and anxiety.

"Mr and Mrs. Foster?" He asked while looking at the both of them.

"Yes, how is my daughter?" Jade's mom asked hurriedly.

"Hello, I'm doctor Warren." The man introduced himself.

"Of course, I'm sorry doctor." Mr. Foster apologized and shook hands with him, even though he obviously just wanted to get to the point already and so did I.

"Your daughter is awake, she's just currently resting-"

"Why did she pass out?" Mrs. Foster interrupted him—the doctor didn't seem phased by it though, he's probably accustomed to it.

"I was getting to that — initially we thought the passing out was just due to exhaustion, nothing out of the normal. But after doing running some tests such as x-rays and an electrocardiogram on miss Foster and seeing the results it turns out it was more than just simple exhaustion." He paused for a second and looked at the both adults —and me for the first time— before putting his hands inside his coat. "Your daughter's heart is malfunctioning-"

"Malfunctioning?" Mrs. Foster interrupted him again.

"Yes ma'am. Acute heart failure is a condition that means that the heart is not working properly. It occurs suddenly and can be life threatening— symptoms appear or worsen suddenly. Miss Foster is going to have to stay so we can run more tests and to keep and eye on her so then we can start the right treatment."

Heart failure.

It rung on my head a bunch of times along with a sinking feeling in my chest.

"Will she get better?" It was now my turn to ask, and it probably was the most important question —but Jade's parents seemed to stunned after the doctor's words.

He looked at me and then to the other two adults, giving us a sad smile. "The life expectancy for congestive heart failure depends on the cause of heart failure, it's severity, and other underlying medical conditions. But again, we still need to run test."

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