Chapter Fourty Five

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Jordan's POV

"Santos you have someone here asking for you!" Captain Hall passed by where I was sat at, not stopping so I could ask him who it was.

Now what?

With a sigh I stood up from my seat and went to the front of the station, where besides the firetruck I spotted the one who was looking for me.

"Shouldn't you be at school or something?"

"Sup hobo, and no it's past Saturday." Savannah leaned against the big red truck as she watched her nails.

"It's your mom here?" I looked around the station in search for Olivia but didn't spot her.


I narrowed my eyes at her, "Then what are you doing here? Dalton is not here he doesn't work today."

The teenager shrugged and looked at me, "That's fine, I'll just hang out with you then."

"Yeah... I'm calling your mom."

"Wait no!" Savannah followed behind me as I walked away and took out my phone. "Don't tell her I'm here hobo, come on."

"Are you out of your mind? I'm not about to be accused of kidnapping." I looked at her like she was crazy, and she probably is. But the look in her eyes... they were red like she had been crying, something in her face was familiar to me, that look of when you want to be anywhere but at home.

Something I knew well.

"Look I have to tell your mom you are here... but I'll try to convince her to let you stay here, okay?" I waited for her to agree to the idea and with a nod of her head she did and let me continue with the call.

I dialed Olivia's number and it took only two rings before she answered.

"Jordan oh my god I'm so glad you called. Savannah came home and sneaked out after altercation with her dad. I don't know where she is, she left her phone!" Olivia didn't breath as she said all that in distress.

I turned to give a look to Savannah who I know heard all that, she just shrugged with an awkward smile.

"About that... she's here at the station."


I put some distance between the phone and my face at that. "But listen-"

"I'm going to pick her up, thank you."

"Olivia listen to me." I said loudly so she can pay attention to me.

"What? What's wrong?"

"I was thinking that maybe Savannah could spend the day with me and you could pick her up later." I turned to see Savannah and walked away far enough so she wouldn't overhear the conversation. "She didn't seem to want to be home right now... whatever happened why don't you let her cool down? I'm not trying to tell you how to mother or what to do, don't take it the wrong way please."

I heard her sigh over the phone, "I know that Jord... fine I'll go pick her up at eight."

"Okay..." I didn't know what happened for them both to be in such a mood so I felt like I needed to reassure her. "Liv she's fine, she's a teenager she needs space so all her anger and frustration can go away. Besides maybe this will be good for us and she'll stop hating me."

The sound of her laughter across the phone was like melodies to my ears. "Savannah doesn't hate you, she went to you after all."

"We'll see about that."

"Trust me."

I hummed, "I'll keep you updated and I'll see you tonight."

"I can't wait... and thank you Jordan. Really."

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