Chapter Eight

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Jordan's POV

"Come on Jordy, it's time to wake up!" I heard my best friend barg into my room and then start jumping up and down besides me on my bed.

I covered my head with my bedsheets and groaned, "Jade go away, I don't want to go to school."

"Don't be ridiculous, it's our first day as freshmen." She took the covers off my face and bright blue eyes met my sleepy brown ones.

"There's really nothing good about being freshmen."

"Of course there is, we are starting high school!" Jade put her arms up in the air before falling besides me on the bed.

"Which means we are the youngest in high school— which also makes us a target for bullies." I reasoned out.

"That's true..." my best friend turned her head and faced me with a look of curiosity. "Are you scared of bullies?"

"Not really. What about you?"

"A bit, yes."

"You don't have to be, if anyone messes with you I'll kick their ass."

Jade laughed wholeheartedly and the sound made my heart blossom with joy. "You can't, they'll stomp you like a bug, Jordy."

"I don't care as long is not you they stomp." I sat up on the bed and Jade punched my arm lightly.

"Don't say that, I wouldn't let you. Anyways, we have twenty minutes to get to school, so hurry your ass and get changed!" Jade stood up from the bed and pulled on my arm so I would stand up as well.

"Fine, fine, just calm downI need to go to the bathroom first." I chuckled seeing as Jade looked at me with a pout and crossed arms. "You can choose my outfit while I'm on the bathroom if you want to."

That turned her pout into a smile instantly and she hurriedly pushed me into the bathroom. "Be quick, will you? I don't want us to be late for our first day."

"Okay, jesus." I closed the bathroom door behind me and began doing my morning routine—faster today as requested by my annoying best friend.

When I got out of the bathroom a set of clothes was put on my bed but Jade was no where to be seen, she was probably waiting for me downstairs. I hurried and got changed before dashing downstairs.

"Look who finally came down from her room," my mom said once I entered the kitchen—her and Jade were sat on the counter talking.

"Goodmorning mama." I went to hug her and she kissed the top of my head.

"Goodmorning, your breakfast is on the counter, you will have to eat it at school because you're late."

"See? Told you we would be late, now come on." Jade pulled me away as I grasped my breakfast bag. "Adeus senhora Santos."

My mom laughed at my friend's attempt of Portuguese and bid the two of us goodbye as we exited the house.

"Nice Portuguese, Jade." I nudged her as I put on my helmet and mounted my bicycle.

"You think? I have been practicing it a bit when I have free time so we can learn it together." We began riding to school in our bikes as we talked to each other.

"Want to learn a compliment?" I asked her.

"Hmm, yeah sure."

"Filho da puta."

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