Chapter Twenty Three

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Jordan's POV

"I'm exhausted." I said.

"Well you are still at the beginning of your training to put it like that so." Dalton responded as he walked besides me.

"One would think that after seven weeks I would be used to all this already."

He shrugged, "You are still in the academy, no one really gets used to it, is over before you do."

These past weeks since I've applied to the fire academy have been hard—it wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. I needed to train hard and get myself into the best physical shape that I could, which was very challenging and strenuous. I had to study as well, I wasn't aware that firefighters also had written exams—and if I failed those I was screwed, that was more difficult to me because my level of attention is my biggest flaw, focusing and not getting distracted while studying has always been almost impossible to me.

"Does it get easier once you are out of the academy?" I asked to the tall man.

"Not really, because now what you do and how you do things, depending on the situation can either save or lives or not." Dalton scratched his beard and looked down. "A couple of months ago we got a call from a building that caught fire, it was hell, everything was fell apart too quickly... we didn't get everyone out, lost a whole family to the flames. I'm not trying to scare you but I can't lie to you either, it's not easier. The awful feeling and remorse when you are not able to save someone... that's the worst part."

I nodded slowly—understanding the point he was trying to make. "Good think I'm used to that feeling."

Dalton looked at me strangely for a moment before shaking his head and patting my back. "Anyway, you know tomorrow we are all planning to go spend the weekend at this lake house that Chris's family own for the 4th of July. So we were all wondering if you wanted to tag along?"

"All of you?" I asked.

"Yup, all of us. You know Olivia misses you, right?"

I kicked a rock as I walked, "Really?"

He hummed, "She told me you haven't been answering her text or calls for weeks."

"I've just been so caught up with this whole thing... I haven't had much time to do much other than study, train and get some sleep."

It's not like I'm mad at Olivia or anything—I'm just genuinely really busy and needed to fully focus on this so I don't fail. I enjoy spending time with, I know that, but she is very... distracting. So is better for me to keep my distance for now.

It does sound kind harsh and from Olivia's perspective I guess I look like an asshole.

"A simple text to her won't make you fail the fire academy, Jordan." He chuckled.

Dalton and I have become—dare I say good friends since I entered the academy. He's a pretty cool guy, really amicable and so supportive — he didn't even know that I was doing well and giving me a bunch of very useful advices ever since the beginning.

"I suppose you are right." I was admittedly a bit scared to text Olivia now after weeks of basically ghosting her.

"Don't think too much about it and do it. She's not mad at you... just upset." Dalton tried to reassure but I didn't really believe him about that.

"How do you know?"

"You remember who my girlfriend is? Vivianna talks a lot when she's drunk, so believe me—I know more than a few things."

"I'll... think about it."

"Fine you can think about the text, but..." he unlocked his truck and opened the door. "You are going with us to the lake house."

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