Chapter Fourty Three

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Jordan's POV

"Don't ever pull that shit again Jordan!" Dalton came into the ambulance that was providing me oxygen. "You could have died! You can't be out there wanting to be a hero, it's going to get you killed."

I took off the mask only so I could reply to him, "Was I supposed to what? Let the kid die?"

"You don't run into a building about to collapse. More people could've died trying to save you as well. You can't be a hero." Dalton was pissed off and I could understand why, it just wouldn't make me regret my decision. The incompetence of one of our team not checking like he should've almost cost a mother and a father their child, I wasn't about to let that happen.

"I don't regret it." I stood up as the paramedic took my mask off completely and checking I was fully okay now.

Dalton shook his head and brought me into a surprising hug. "Don't die on me Jordan."

I was taken aback by the embrace, not being one to really like hugging so I just patted his back trying not to make it awkward. I appreciate his concern for me, more than I could ever express.

"It's gonna take something more than smoke to kill me." I said backing away from the embrace.

"I bet. It was a stupid thing to do... but good job Jordan." Dalton put a hand on my shoulder and smiled at me. "Come on, let's get back to the station."

I didn't only get a hearing out of Dalton, but by the chief of the department as well. Who would say that running into a burning building for a kid would bring so much reprimanding? Their reasoning was that more of our team would follow to look for me and the kid putting their lives on risk as well, which I understood but it didn't make me regret doing it.

I got nothing to lose.

"So... I heard from someone you met Olivia's parents and it didn't go too well." Dalton said as we both prepared to leave on the locker room.

"Is that someone Vivianna?" I responded closing my locker and putting on my jacket.

"Maybe... but come on talk to me. What happened? I know her parents, they are good people but they can be-"

"Nosey?" I cut him off

"Pretty much. What did they ask?"

"Just personal questions that made me uncomfortable to answer so I left and when Olivia went after me I just... went off on her." I don't know why I'm telling him all this, something about Dalton makes him easy to talk to he's never judgmental or oversteps. He's a nice person.

"And you guys haven't spoke in the last two days?" He sat down on the bench and looked up at me leaning against the lockers.

"I don't know what to say to her, I'm ashamed of the way I reacted at her she was just trying to help." I sighed wanting to kick myself.

In that moment I was just so stressed and on edge that the way her parents interrogated me about my ex just triggered me, it took me an hour to cool off after I left and even then I haven't been fully fine ever since. Not being okay Olivia being the main reason.

I'm such a coward.

"Talk to her Jordan it's the only way things can be fixed. I'm sure she's not mad at you. I'm sure you had your reasons to act the way you did." Dalton stood up with his bag.

"Thanks Dalton, for everything really." I gave him an awkward smile and slight punch in the arm making him chuckle.

"You really can't socialize." He put an arm around my shoulders, I was going to shrug it off me but that would be rude, besides I think we are friends?

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