Chapter Six

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Jordan's POV

The days and nights go by quickly—most nights have the same ending to me —which is working at the club till I break. It was a rutine— sleep, wake up, go to work, serve drinks, listen to drunken strangers talk all night and go home. It sometimes made me lose the count of the days until I got to my free day and it was then that I regained some sense of time.

I was living on autopilot and it would seem sad for some but to me it's a normalcy— I've grown accustomed to this life so it doesn't bother me as much as it once used to.

"Look dude, I only make the drinks. I don't know why Carl didn't come to work today." I told to the guy who has been questioning me about the whereabouts of Carl—the bouncer of the club-for the past ten minutes.

"He owes me money!" The man complained— his demeanor getting a bit more aggressive given to his frustration. I looked around searching for Bash among the crowded club and found him occupied serving a table.

Seems like it's up to me to take care of this.

"That is not my problem sir, so if you are not going to drink anything other than harass me—then I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I tried to be as polite as I could manage to but it was hard, I had to bite my tongue to not snap.

"You don't tell me what to do bitch, where the fuck is Carl!" The guy yelled in my face.

That's it.

"Look you asshole if you ke—"

"Is there a problem here?" We were interrupted by no other than Rob—who happens to be my boss slash friend... kind of.

"Yes, this girl doesn't want to tell me where the fuck is Carl!" The man kept pushing on. He must be bad in the head or high out of his mind.

Rob sighed—he knew well that the bouncer the man was demanding to see did not bother to come to work today. "Sir, Carl is not working today so if you are going to keep on bothering my workers you're going to have to leave."

"I'm not leaving until I see him and he gives me my money!" The man tried to push through Rob but the brunette was bigger and stronger and got a hold of the 'intruder'. Rob shoved him away until they were out my sight.

At least I didn't have to deal with that.

Fortunately my night didn't have any more altercations like that and it was just the same as every nights. I just refused from serving a guy who could barely stand just to see him puking his guts out at the door of the men's bathroom.

I tore my gaze away from the displeasing view and kept on drying the glasses.

"It's good to see that you're alive." The sound of Olivia's voice made me look up and meet her blue eyes. I was surprised to see her here— or just see her in general.

"Olivia... hey." I put the —now dried— glass down and gave my attention to the redhead. It's been a little more than a week since that day on the ballet studio and a week since I stopped answering her texts.

"Hey Jordan... I mean it, it's nice to see that you are good." Olivia was trying to hide the fact that she's upset, but the look on her eyes and the biting the inside of her cheek gave her away.

"I'm sorry for not replying to your texts, I have been busy with work." The common excuse and meaningless apology rolled easily off my tongue.

It was not a complete lie because I was in fact busy with work but not enough to the point I couldn't respond to her messages. I just simply didn't want to. I felt like we were getting close too quickly, I was growing attached and I got scared. I needed some time apart from the redhead that invaded my thoughts more often than not.

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