Chapter Sixteen

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Olivia's POV

"I can't believe you really are dragging me out with the hobo." Savannah complained from the backseat.

I looked at her from the rear mirror and gave her a pointed glance, "What did I tell you about calling Jordan a hobo?"

"I don't hear her complaining."

"Ignore her." I told Jordan who was sat at the passenger's seat and gave me a tight smile in return.

"Where are we even going?" Savannah asked with annoyance and a frown.

"The Emerald Necklace." I responded

"And why are we going to a park?"

"I thought the bicycles we stopped at a shop to rent were a giveaway." I heard and saw Jordan chuckling from the corner of my eyes.

"It confused me actually, because you don't know how to ride a bike."

"And you do?" I retorted.

She shrugged, "My dad taught me."

"Why didn't you teach your mom how to ride then?" Jordan turned on her seat as I parked the car.

Savannah bit her lip and looked elsewhere. "She never asked me too."

"Right." Jordan responded and exited the car.

It had honestly never came into my mind to ask my daughter to teach me how to ride a bike... mainly because I thought it was kind of embarrassing to have her teach me when I was supposed to do that— I know is a dumb reason but I can't help it.

When I got out Jordan was getting the bicycles out while Savannah already had her's and was standing besides it while texting away on her phone.

"Here." I put a helmet on Savannah's head.


"Yup, safety first."

She rolled her eyes, "I can't believe I'm wasting my Sunday like this."

"You are fourteen—you don't have anywhere else to be that isn't at your house or with me—your mom." I laughed when Savannah groaned and hopped on the bike and pedaled away— not bothering to wait for us.

"So here's your bike for the evening and here's mine." Jordan said putting the bicycle in front of me.

"Alright..." I released a breath and put my helmet on, I turned and saw Jordan didn't have one on making me frown. "Where's your helmet?"

She raised a brow, "Is a bicycle not a motorcycle, it's not a big deal."

"It is."

"It's not."



I huffed and put the last helmet over her head, "Safety first."

"You're telling me to wear a helmet yet you're the one that doesn't know how to ride." Jordan crossed her arms and had a shit eating grin on her face.

I narrowed my eyes at her. "I know how ride, just not a bike."

"Yeah? Mind sharing what you do know how to ride." Jordan's grin got wider as she got closer to me. I however didn't find her dirty question funny so I rolled my eyes and pushed past her—while she laughed. It was weird to hear Jordan laugh, I'm not sure if I had ever heard her do it in the time we've known each other—it made me smile.

"Shut up." I mumbled—I knew my face was probably red right now.

Jordan chuckled. "Okay now get on the bike."

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