Chapter Fifty Three

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Jordan's POV

Olivia's house keys fell from her hands as she tried to hurry up opening the door. I went down and picked them up for her and chuckled.

"Let me." I put the right key inside the key-hold and twisted the knob opening the door.

"That was embarrassing." Olivia mumbled walking in.

I closed the door and hurried behind her and surprised her by carrying her bridal style—getting a yelp out of her. "Jordan!"

"Is this romantic or too much?"

Olivia giggled before putting her hands behind my neck and pulling my head down for a kiss— a very hungry kiss. "What are you waiting to take me upstairs?" She said with her lips hovering mine and a cheeky grin on them.

"Your command." I moved my eyebrows up and down.

She rolled her eyes, "Corny, now hurry up."

"As you say." I pecked her her and took us upstairs.

Thank God for firefighter training, months ago I wouldn't have been able to lift Olivia less of all carry here up stairs.

Once we got to her room she got down off me and instead grabbed the back of my neck once again and pulled me down for a rough kiss—she jumped up and locked her legs around my hips, my hands landing underneath her thighs.

I walked us to the bed and laid her down on it as we kissed—backing away just briefly so I could quickly take off Olivia's shirt as well as my own.

Olivia sat up and began to unbutton my jeans and then her's—helping her take them off she was left with only her light blue Calvin Klein underwear set on covering her pale and skin, her chest and shoulder had freckles scattered just like her face did.

"You are gorgeous." I felt in a daze—overwhelmed by her beauty.

Olivia's face lit up in a blush, "Don't look at me like that."

"Like what?" I mumbled.

"Like that."

I leaned down—hovering over her with a smile. "I can't help it, you just... you are perfect." I pecked her cheek, then her jaw and her neck and her shoulder.

"You don't need to sweet talk me." Olivia moaned—her hand tangled in my hair as I kissed her neck.

"It's not sweet talk, I'm being completely and utterly honest Olivia." I caressed the strands of red hair away from her face.

Olivia leaned up and met her lips with mine in a kiss—a softer kiss than the ones we've had so far tonight. I put one hand behind her neck holding her up and the other cupped her jaw.

I began to take off the remainder of her undergarments until we were both bare naked against each other while we were still locked in a kiss. I moved my mouth down to her neck and began to suck and bite on her sweet spot while my other hand traveled down and met her wet center. I rubbed her clit and Olivia's moans echoed on my ear like the sweetest of melodies—I inserted two fingers and she moaned louder, going in and out of her... it was the most wonderful bliss to be inside of her—to be engulfed by her.

God do I? I might.

I sped up as her moans grew louder and her chest heaved up and dow—and just before she came I went down and fucked her with mouth tongue and fingers until she came undone in my mouth.

"Jordan— oh fuck... oh my God." Olivia said as she pulled a bit aggressively on my hair and pushed me impossibly closer against her pussy. She was a mess and so was I at the mere sight of her.

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