Chapter Thirty One

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Olivia's POV

As the last person walked out of the studio I finally got to sit down— or more so, fall into the floor. I usually don't get as tired as today, but the teenagers class have a recital coming up so it takes more out of me than the normal classes or the children classes.

"Damn you look battered." I heard Vivianna's voice before I turned to see her walk in with Chris by her side.

"I didn't want to be the one to say it." Chris commented.

I grabbed my water bottle and downed half of it in a single go. "You two are so flattering."

"Don't take it to seriously Liv, we were just making an observation of your current physical state." Vivianna said and sipped on what I think might be coffee.

"Donut?" Chris offered but I passed with a shook of my head.

"More for me." She shrugged and took a bite out of one of the mini donuts inside her small box.

Vivianna came to sit down on the floor besides me. "What got you so tired? You are usually fine after classes."

I swept off the sweat on my face and neck with a towel, putting it then around my shoulders. Chris sat at the other side of me, while she divided her attention between her food at hand and the conversation I was having with Vivianna. "I had class with the teens and they have a recital coming up so... it was tiring. How about you two? How was work?"

Vivianna leaned in and tried to take a donut out of the box but was met with a swat on her hand by Chris—who was quickly shut down with a glare from our best friend before grabbing one. "It was fine, Chris got asked into a date by CEO's assistant, Lana."  She announced as if it was not a big deal.

"You have a date?" The surprise in my tone was very evident but Chris remained unbothered by it. In fact she didn't look happy or sad... or anything really, which kind of worried me since she's very expressive.

"Is not a big deal, she asked me out and I don't really have anything else to do—so why not? Besides I haven't had sex in a while." She took a bite of her last donut and put the now empty box aside on the floor.

"You don't sound excited about it." I said.

"I mean— she's hot and nice, but I don't really see me in relationship with her." Chris leaned her back against the wall and looked at the both of us.

"You can't knock it without trying it — give it a chance before deciding." Vivianna reasoned, but by the look on the blonde's face we both knee she had her stubborn mind made up.

"Yeah whatever enough about me. Hows your relationship going, Liv? You've abandoned me in our single life partnership, it breaks my heart, not gonna lie." Chris pouted and leaned her head against my shoulder, not bothered by me being sweaty.

I chuckled and Vivianna nudged my side lightly, "Do tell Olivia, how are things going with the sexy firefighter."

"You know you have a firefighter boyfriend right?"

"That is not the point of my question—now go ahead and answer the actual question please." Vivianna kept pressing me.

I sighed knowing there was no way out of the questioning I was about to receive from my best friends. Not that I minded, but there is not much to tell in truth. "We are doing fine, she has been busy with work so we haven't seen each other much—but we still text each other every night."

"That's it?" Chris lifted her head from my shoulder so she could look at me—a frown in her face.


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