Chapter Twenty Five

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Jordan's POV

"Are those fireworks?" I asked to Dalton as he got them out of the trunk of his car.


"You're a firefighter shouldn't that be like against your moral code or something?" Chris asked this time.

"Eh, it will be fine, there's no dogs around and it'll make sure not to cause a forest fire. I also have four fire extinguishers in the house, don't worry."

"It's still reckless." Vivianna said as she passed by.

Dalton sighed. "It'll be fine, I got it," he reassured us.

"Sure thing, just try not to blow my house up and we are good." Chris told him before starting to walk away.


"Jordan, come with me." Chris asked me— or more like ordered me to.

I looked at Dalton in question and he just shrugged—seeming as confused as me on what could Chris want. I shook my head and followed after the dirty blonde who did not wait for me and instead kept walking.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"To the house, obviously." She responded as we got inside.

"I know that, I mean is, what are we going to do here?" I kept walking behind her all the way upstairs as I waited for her to answer my question. I saw as Olivia's bedroom door opened and Amy strode out of it, soon followed by the red head.

Chris suddenly turned and grabbed both my hands, "You are going to help me pick a swimsuit."

"I am?" The devious smile on her face made me question if she had any other motives to be asking me for that kind of help, but I didn't get the chance to voice them out loud.

"Morning." Olivia spoke shortly and with grumpiness as she passed by us with her girlfriend.

"You two missed breakfast!" Chris hummed when they both ignored her, "Someone woke up from the wrong side of the bed. Either that or the sex was awful."

I wasn't paying attention as she dragged me all the way to her bedroom—my gaze not moving from the retreating redhead who didn't look back once, a part of me felt sad at that for some reason— no, I knew the reason, I was sad she didn't because I miss her looking at me. But then again, I kind of prefer her not looking at me at all if her eyes are going to hold that same look of... disappointment.

"So, did you two talk?" Chris asked closing the door of her room behind us.

"You can say that, I'm pretty sure Olivia hates me now."

"Oh come on, Olivia doesn't hate anyone, less of all you, Jordan—she's just upset. Try talking to her again."

"She doesn't want me to," I shrugged. It sadness me that she doesn't talk to me, yes, but I'm not going to bother either too much with it, I tried and Olivia basically told me to fuck off. So I'll do just that, I'm not in the mood to be sucking after her all weekend—plus she has Amy now, she will be fine.

"Then try again." Chris said as if it was oh so simple while she rummaged through her closet looking for the swimsuits.

"I don't know Chris, I get what I did was shitty but if this is what Olivia wants then I'll just let her be." I sat at the edge of the king sized bed as I watched her.

"Don't do that."

"Do what?"

"Act like you don't care if she talks to you or doesn't. You fucked up, she's mad, just fix it."

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