Chapter Eleven

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Jordan's POV

Okay Jordan, just knock on the door, give her the box and leave.

I took a breath and knocked on the door of the suburban house and waited.

Olivia had helped me all last week while I was sick so I wanted to give her something as a thank you since she didn't have to take care of me... so yeah.

"What are you doing here, hobo?" I didn't have to look up to know exactly who that was.

"I'm not a hobo, you brat." I frowned.

"Sure you're not, you look like you run a drug business." The teenager leaned against the side of the door with arms crossed.

"That is awfully stereotypical, kid."

"Why would that be stereotypical? You're so dumb did you even finish high school?" Savannah chuckled and smirked annoyingly.

I can't be getting rattled by someone who just hit puberty.

"Are you even in high school?" I retorted.

"Of course I'm in high school, you hobo." The annoying smirk was wiped from her face and was replaced by a glare.

"Can't blame me, you look like you're twelve." I shrugged.

"And you look like you just got out of jail!" With that Savannah slammed the door on my face.

I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Savannah who was at the door?" I heard Olivia ask loudly from inside the house.

"No one!" Savannah responded.

I heard steps coming towards the door and then it was opened—this time by Olivia and not that little devil. "Shit, Jordan I'm sorry about Savannah."

"It's cool, don't worry. I— I brought you some... cinnamon rolls as a thank you for you know, taking care of me while I was sick." I gave her the box with the rolls inside and she grabbed it.

"Thank you Jordan, this is sweet of you—literally." Olivia chuckled softly and smiled at me. "But you didn't have to give anything, we are friends and that's what we do."

I scratched the back of my neck and nodded, "Yeah, right. I'll just— I just came to give you this so—"

"Don't you want to come in? We can eat these together and talk for a bit."

I shook my head. "No, I don't want to intrude—plus I bought these for you... and Savannah."

"You could never be intruding Jordan, now coming—don't make me pull you inside the house." She joked lightly at the end.

I relented and smiled a bit with a nod of my head, "Fine." I stepped inside the house and Olivia closed the door behind me.

"Follow me, we can eat these in the livingroom while we talk," I looked at her and just nodded in agreement.

"Oh you let her in." Savannah said from the couch—she was laying there watching TV.

"Savannah if you're going to be rude to Jordan you better go to your room." Olivia told her daughter.

Savannah groaned and stood from the couch, "What's that?" She asked referring to the cinnamon box in Olivia's hands.

"Cinnamons, but they're not for you."
Olivia said.

"I don't care," Savannah shrugged. "You can eat your hobo's cinnamons alone," she said before hurrying upstairs.

She really needs to stop it with the hobo thing.

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