Chapter Thirteen

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Jordan's POV

"What are you studying again?" I asked.

"Bio." Zoey responded without looking up from her book—she was on the floor of her bedroom that had a bunch of other books scattered around. The room was a mess.

"Why did you tell me to come over if you were busy studying?"

She shrugged and looked up. "In case I got tired of studying—plus is been a while since we hung out."

"Right, I forgot we are friends now." I muttered.

"Yes we are Jordan, so you better deal with it." Zoey said carelessly with her attention now back to her books.

"Well this bonding time has been fun but I'm bored, can I go home now?" I was really tired of seeing Zoey studying all afternoon—I could've stayed at home and get some sleep instead of wasting my day off like this.

"Oh come on Jordan, be a good friend and stay with me until I finish studying."

"Yeah, I think I'm reconsidering that whole friendship thing between us."

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Fine, just give me ten minutes and we'll watch a movie or something."

"Now that sounds a lot better." I stood up from the bed. "Do you have beer?"

"In the fridge," she responded without looking at me once again.

I made my way to the kitchen and got a can of beer out of the fridge—I felt my phone vibrate on my pocket as I was taking a sip of my drink. When I got it out I was surprised to see Olivia calling.

After she spent the night that time on my apartment we have been hanging out more often. The morning after I made her breakfast and we got out—we pretty much spent the whole day together.

I don't know what had come into me that night at the bar — where I got the courage to dance with Olivia the way that I had. Maybe it was the alcohol I drank before doing so that gave me the bust... that and Chris telling me how Olivia had been down ever since I had been acting 'weird' towards her. I know my attitude towards people sometimes can hurt their feelings and I usually don't care... except if it was Olivia—the thought of her being saddened because I couldn't get my head out of the gutter and be a good friend made something in me sting. So even if it's not easy to me, I have decided to truly try my best to keep the redhead in my life.

To do that I need to develop my social skills again since I've pretty much self isolated myself for many years... so hanging out with Zoey does come in handy.

"What can I do for you today Ms. Knight?" I asked once I picked the phone—earning a giggle from the other side.

"Hey Jordan."

"Hey red, how are you?" I asked as I walked aimlessly around Zoey's kitchen.

"I'm good, how about you?"

"I'm better now." I smirked before taking a sip of the beer.

"Smooth." Olivia chuckled.

I hummed as I drank from my beer again. "So how can I help you?"

"I hate to ask you for this..." I heard her mumble.

"Don't worry, you can ask me whatever you want Olivia."

She sighed. "I was wondering if you could look after Savannah tonight?"

I almost choked on my drink but held it and took a second to reply to the redhead. "You want me to look after your daughter?"

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