Chapter Fourteen

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Jordan's POV

As requested by Olivia—I stayed for breakfast, but ever since I woke up I couldn't find myself to be able to fall asleep again—so I just scrolled through my phone until I heard Olivia coming down the stairs.

"Goodmorning." Olivia greeted me—she was dressed up in joggers and a plain shirt, her red mane of hair up in a messy bun.

"Goodmorning." I replied and stretched once I stood up from the couch. It was quite comfortable for a couch.

"Sorry, if you were uncomfortable on the couch. It's just, you were sleeping when I came home and I didn't want to wake you. Plus it was pretty late, I didn't want you walking home." Olivia explained—she looked so cute in the mornings.

"Don't worry yourself, the couch was rather comfortable, thanks for letting me sleep in." I said as I followed the redhead to the kitchen.

"It's really the least I could do for you for taking care of Savannah." Olivia walked to the coffeemaker. "Want some coffe?" She asked.

"Yes please." I saw as she made it while sat on the barstool of her kitchen.

When she left the coffeemaker she moved to the fridge and got out some eggs and bacon. "You like scrambled eggs and bacon, right?" Olivia stopped and asked me.

I chuckled, "I love scrambled eggs and bacon."

"Noted." She smiled and went to the stove to start preparing the breakfast.

We made small talk until Savannah came down to the kitchen all dressed up and ready for school.

"Goodmorning." Olivia greeted her daughter as she fried the bacon.

"What's good about it?" Savannah grumbled and sat at the barstool in the kitchen island.

"Someone woke up on a mood." Olivia said still not looking away from the stove.

Savannah looked at me with a frown. "What are you still doing here?"


"Fell asleep on the couch," I shrugged.

Olivia put a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon in front of me and right then I realized how hungry I actually was. "Here you go," she said. "Do you like your coffee with milk or black?"

"Black, it helps me get through the morning." I responded and soon enough a cup of coffee was in front of me. "Thank you Olivia," I looked up at her with a smile which she happily returned and then sat besides me with her own breakfast.

Savannah groaned and stood up—I saw her go to the fridge and grab a  milk carton before returning my attention to my food. "So Jordan, how did she behave last night? Didn't 'cause you trouble did she?" Olivia asked.

Right then the multiple times I caught the teenager trying to escape through the window and once in the backyard, went through my mind.

Who parties on a Thursday night.

Savannah stopped pouring cereal on her bowl and looked at me with widened eyes.

Scared now brat?

"She was fine, I ordered pizza for us. It was a calm night." I shrugged and ate a piece of bacon. I saw the teenager let out a breath before resuming her breakfast.

I could've told Olivia about mission impossible trying to sneak out, but who likes a snitch? And most importantly—I don't need the kid hating me anymore than she already does. If there's a moment to trying to start an —at least— decent relationship with the grumpy teenager then this is my chance.

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