Chapter Fifty two

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Jordan's POV

We sat on a blanket on top of the sand—it was a bit chilly out here and Olivia was clutching her cardigan to her body prompting me to take off my jacket and put it on her. I had a long sleeve on so I would be fine without it.

Olivia kept telling her story as she leaned against me. "And that was just my first day meeting Chris and Vivianna."

I chuckled, "I thought you had known them since forever."

"It feels like it, but then again the first year of college does feel like a lifetime ago. Savannah was only three years old when I went into my first year in college—I was lucky enough my mom helped me take care of her while I attended class, but when I had to do group projects I had to take her with me sometimes — the eighteen year old with a three year old kid... I felt their judgmental stares all the time. Chris and Vivianna were different, they never judge me and loved Sav since they first saw her." Olivia smiled fondly as she spoke about her best friends.

"They knew each other before college?" I asked curiously about the pair.

"They did, they are high school best friends. I came into the picture last, but they never treated me like an outsider, I fitted in with them instantly... we just clicked.

"That's adorable."

"They are," she turned to look up at me. "If I tell you something you have to promise me you won't repeat it because Chris would kill me."

I put my hand up, "I promise."

"Chris used to have a crush on me back in college." She blurted out and looked at me expectingly when I didn't react. "You are not going to say anything?"

"I mean... is not really surprising." I shrugged.

Olivia frowned and accommodated herself to face me completely. "What do you mean?"

"How do I say this... haven't you seen the way Chris looks at you?" I tried to explain myself as best as I could... but how does one say this?

"She doesn't like me anymore, I rejected her in our third year in college when she confessed her feelings. Chris told me she was over her crush a long time ago."

"Look I'm just saying what I see."

"Then why haven't you mention it before?" Olivia tilted her head.

"I thought I was reaching, but now that you mention that crush of hers on you... maybe I wasn't reaching." I leaned back on my hands.

"And you are just chill about my best friend possibly —but highly unlikely— to still be crushing on me?" Olivia raised her brows as she looked at me.

"Do you want me to be jealous?" I got closer to her — our faces just inches away. "Or do you want me to go and fight Chris?Offer her some punches for your hand?"

I chuckled when she rolled her eyes, "You are so unserious."

"Oh I'm being dead serious, I'll fight for my girl." I leaned in and kissed her—Olivia broke into a smile mid kiss and backed away.

"Say that again." Her blue eyes twinkled under the night sky.

"What was it that I said?" I pretended to not remember.

"You know what." She squeezed my cheeks with her right hand—making my lips pucker.

I hummed, "You are my girl Liv, the only one for me. I want no one but you for the rest of my life."

Olivia caressed my cheek before leaning in again—pressing our lips together on a sweet kiss. I sighed with her forehead against mine once we broke the kiss—pecking her lips one more time I stood up and extended my hand out to her.

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