(55) Gentle Reminder

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Another upload? WhaAt? Is War of Hearts truly back?! NANI???

Yes. Yes it is. Also, sorry for the change of writing. It really feels different now.

Enjoy this chapter!


Trudging back from Florifornia to MunVadXel wasn't any easier than the first hike they took. The forest was denser as ever, green plants - both poisonous and harmless - intertwined with each other in an attempt to confuse the travellers within.

David's mind was everywhere but in the present. He thought back to the last few days he spent with his family before going back to the village to attend to his duties as both hero and residential knight. Between each step he takes, his mother's words echoed inside his head in a wanton reminder of her illness and their situation.

After returning back to his house with Darryl in hand, his mother was quick to engulf him in a hug and his father patted his back in a self-restraint manner. A grown man holding back his tears for the sake of his wife. Soon, the three of them are on the table whilst Darryl went ahead to prepare them supper, taking the chance to give the Barton family a space to talk privately.

"Davey, sweetie, there are some situations where it is simply out of our control," his mother smiled, squeezing his hand in comfort. "So, we must learn to accept them instead."

His gaze landed on his hands, palm open and fingers shaking at the thought of having to accept that he has no control over the situation. The fact that his mother's ill and he can't do anything but accept. Not being able to do anything for the people he loves? He feels utterly helpless.

Hopeless. To think that he, Technoblade, the greatest PvP-er amongst the lands, a living legend in some nations, proclaimed Blood God by his own land, was nothing but a useless body to his mother's needs. He can earn himself as many golds; emeralds or other gemstones alike, but it would not change the fact that his kindred mother was dying of cancer.

Suddenly, he felt sick to the stomach. What good is he? He had saved thousands of villagers from a dragon's wrath, but his mother? His father? He sadly cannot. The world around him slowly felt cold, degrading both in colours and warmth, ice-cold to the touch of his fingertips. A wormhole of pity and rage seeping from his chest, suddenly hating the way he made himself out to be.

A second later, his muffled thought's seized at the sight of another hand taking his own, squeezing lightly in an attempt to calm his nerves and mind. Oak-brown eyes glanced up and met with emerald-green ones. Bright and filled with kindness, Technoblade suddenly remembered one of the first reasons he loved.

Green like the fields; nurturing in nature, oddly enough, despite the panic in his head, Bad's eyes never seemed to fail to calm his mind. It was relaxing. His presence was honey-like home and Techno couldn't help but feel so lucky at having the other by his side.

When BBH smiled, the warmth around his world gradually returned, colours retaining his vision and the sun never seemed rival against's Bad's adorable simper. Tentatively, Techno squeezed back, a response to Bad's unspoken question, are you alright?

With his very own, I am, as long as you're here.

And just like that, the man with pink-bubblegum hair never felt so loved.


His arrival to the village has always brought joyous chorus from the people. Once more, they surrounded him like bees on a freshly bloomed flower, happy to have the protector of their homes back within the lands. The pink-haired man offered an appreciative grunt, always wary at having to be surrounded by large masses like this.

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