(22) I Like Someone... It's not Skeppy

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So, I half hate myself for it but whatevs, not like I could do anything bout it now. I basically planned that each chapter should at least have a minimum 600+ words to maximum 1300-. That's why if I notice the chapter getting a tad bit too long, I'll cut it and just put it at the next chapter which makes my numbering and the supposed events that would happen in a specific chapter to move. And that slightly bothers me as well.

Now, before you go saying that I should just let it be, if it'll be a 2000 words chapter, then it'll be a 2000 words chapter. The thing is, it makes it look like unbalanced for me! And it's hurting my head if I even do that. I don't know, I just... Does this thing have any name? Sorry if I'm ranting by this point, just felt important to point it out since this (22) is where the event's supposed to start but now I had to move it to (23). Sorry again.

I'll shut up now. Enjoy!


BadBoyHalo and Technoblade were able to finally settle in comfortable silence. They had played a little bit of game on who can shoot the arrow at the farthest target in which ended with BBH winning - totally not scuffed.

"Don't be sad you muffin, you did better than Skeppy anyway," the brunet exclaimed with a sweet smile before realizing what he said and ended with slapping a hand over his mouth. "I— I mean, it's not that he's bad in archery..." he hastily stated trying to save face.

David clicked his tongue. Putting a hand in his coat's pocket, the taller male's shoulders went up slightly in a shrug. "Of course I'm better than Skeppy. He still needs to train a hundred more years before he could even come close to my power." To add a bit more dramatic effect, he took out his left hand and acted like he crushed something on top of the palm.

He heard Darryl giggle by his right and tried his best not to look at the other man to avoid embarrassment. The dyed hair boy felt a weird, overwhelming feeling bloom inside his stomach upon realizing that it was he who was the cause of the brunet's cheerfulness. Oh gosh, he swears the eggs were thoroughly cooked before gobbling them up.

"Techno, you're being silly. You'll ruin your chance with Skeppy if you keep that up."

Oh. Right... Darryl thought that he likes the Diamond boy.

Pinching the bridge of his nose, David tucked his bow and quiver away inside his Hotbar and ran a hand through his pink messy locks. With a sigh, the hero breathed out, "Bad, you misunderstood. I don't like Skeppy that way." He emphasized the word as best as he can while facing the green-eyed male.

Bad tilted his head, eyebrows raised in possible confusion. "I— wha— I thought..." the boy stuttered. Avoiding Technoblade's gaze, the brunet rubbed his arm with his cheeks flaring up. Flustered. "I'm sorry, I just thought— since well... wherever he goes you seem to always be there too."

David couldn't help but snort. "Then why am I here now?"

"That's— because you're training." The brown-haired boy justified in which made the former raise a brow.

"That's not a valid reason. Think about it, if I really wanted to be with him right now, I would've just left hours ago." He finished. Deep voice toning in a bit more informative tone. Like a teacher trying to explain something to his student. While Darryl stayed silent. David continued,

"'Sides, I like someone else."

The hero confessed. Technoblade covered his mouth and slowly averted his oak-brown eyes elsewhere; he felt the other boy's gaze on him, ignoring the way how his face slightly heat up at the not-so-obvious-yet-near confession.

"Oh," was all the brunet could say before the silence befalls around them. Technoblade couldn't understand why he suddenly got a feeling of disappointment radiating off the shorter man.

The sky moved on, clouds slowly passing through as the clock ticked by. However the moment could feel as if it could be preserved like a captured picture, the time moves on. The wind slightly pushed off the hair on his face; David watch as the hooded boy tilted his weight from the right foot to the left-
swaying sideways in an act of thinking.

Then, the brunet chuckled, sounding a little bit forced.

"Well, if they somehow managed to make the great Blood god-like them, then they're probably someone special," Bad said in a gentle tone and a faint smile.

Scrunching up his nose- not before making sure he was out of the brunet's sight-Techno mumbled. "Narcissist."

"Huh?" Darryl tilted his head once he faced the taller male who now had his hands clasped behind his head.

"Oh, nothing. I guess I kinda wish that they feel the same way," David stated in a barely audible whisper. Putting too many feelings behind his sentence, "I really hope that I could get a chance with them." And when he said this, he meant it. So far, the brunet doesn't seem to give out any hints of reciprocating. To be honest? David was kinda scared.

"If it's not worth it, don't do it I guess..." Bad answered, a hand gripping on his bow as he started taking another arrow out from his quiver.

Carefully, bright brown eyes wandered over to the archer. Techno let his gaze scan from the brunet's mop of hair to the ground he was standing on. He buried his clenched fists deep in his coat's pockets to hide them from the other's view. "Oh, it's worth it alright."

Taking one last glance at the latter, the pink-haired hero sighed.

He knows he's worth it.

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