(31) Travellers

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Enjoy the remaining fluff/G-rating chapters... 


This was a rather nice change of scenery. A much smaller and a lot less crowded place where Technoblade wouldn't get bombarded by bees. The small diner could be described with the ambience of a quiet, peaceful nature. The hissing sound of oil against a pan along with the tantalizing aroma of fresh flowers around them had created the perfect, semi-romantic scene Techno has envisioned. 

Earlier that day, the dyed-hair hero has invited BadBoyHalo on a simple yet nice dinner as his quote-unquote celebratory gift for the brunet. Would he call it a date? Pretty much, except BBH is completely oblivious to it.

Visibly swallowing, David would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous. This was it, his chance to be alone with Darryl. No Skeppy, no bees, no other distractions. Clenching and unclenching his hand under the table, David has done his best to make himself look relaxed. 

Subtly eyeing the other's clothes, David took note of how Darryl's hoodie was in fact being changed. On some days, there would be a small yet clear difference with the black hoodie. Red stripes would sometimes be at the cuffs of the sleeves along with a tiny white going with them. 

Oak brown eyes glanced up to be met by friendly green ones; the sudden eye contact caused a shy grin on Bad's lips. Biting the inside of his cheek, Techno had to slightly scratch the side of his face with his finger, trying to calm down his racing heart. 

"Thank you for the free dinner; this is a pretty cool place, how did you know this was here?"

It's a start... Techno thought forcing his shoulders to loosen up by shrugging. "Wilbur recommended it to me," Bad nodded his head but he still did the common thinking gesture. 

"Why not choose the one by the plaza?" Clicking his tongue, Technoblade unconsciously ran a hand through his a tiny bit of untamed hair.

"Bad, you do know you're popular now, right?" By saying this, the former's jaw slackened. 

"I am not—" Bad started to protest but Techno quickly cut him off. 

"You're the one who made the winning shot. That's something remarkable, right?"

Bad opened his mouth again to say no before pausing then shutting it back close. "I guess?" 

For the hesitation, Techno ended up offering him a reassuring smile. To stir away from that topic, he decided that it was time for him to bring up the other reason he chose a lesser crowded place to begin with; and that is, him being grateful for Bad's comfort back at the games.

"I... I also wanted to thank you for what you did," he averted his eyes and this seems to send a clear message to the green-eyed male. 

"Oh, aww... no problem. I'm glad I was able to help." Bad gave him a kind-hearted smile and Techno couldn't help but feel ashamed at the memory so he groaned.

Rubbing his eyes with his palms, David muttered. "Still, it's... seeing me like that, it's pretty embarrassing, don't you think? I'm supposed to be someone who shows no signs of vulnerability, and yet, you came through the door and caught my face all puffed."

Hearing the other hum, the flustered man felt gloved hands slowly pry his away to uncover his face. Blinking with his lips pressed in a thin line, David watched as Darryl gave him a comforting pat along with a faint smile. "It's not bad to cry. In fact, I think it makes a person stronger." 

"Does this mean that you're the strongest there is?" Was the question Techno originally planned on asking before deciding against it; thought that it would be too early for him to pry at the brunet's life. 

Their conversation halted when a waitress came and served them their ordered food. The pair ate in a comfortable silence, sometimes engaging in short yet friendly topic about their experience in the games. To Techno, it felt like home. 

It's as if the things surrounding them suddenly didn't matter. It felt right, comforting, and nice to the point where the pink-haired hero began thinking if this would be the same feeling to wake up and eat breakfast with the brown-haired boy. To come home from a quest to enjoy dinner with him. As cheesy as it sounds, the dreams moderately made him crave to be more close with the other. 


Darryl was in the middle of his story when a gasp of his alias caught both their focus. Tearing his gaze to the right, David was met with two brown hooded men with large bags on their backs. The one who called the brunet had rich brown skin with a black floppy quiff. The other one, a much taller and intimating, have a mask covering the upper part of his face. 

Techno heard Bad gasp as well, jumping off his seat and practically engulfing the two strangers in a tight embrace. 

After a few seconds, the brunet let go of the pair to allow them a space to breathe air. Almost hopping, Bad excitedly turned around with a beam on his face. Dragging the two strangers near their table, Techno saw the pair exchanged looks at each other. 

"Techno, I'll introduce you to my friends! This is Raj," Bad gestured to the first one who sent him a nod along with a friendly smile. "And this one is Callahan. Oh, and he doesn't talk, so keep that in mind." He gestured to the masked man who gave little to no emotion. Only nodding at him— wait, is he sizing him up?

"—Anyways! They are two of my friends who also grew up from Munchy! I believe that you've heard of Travellers?"

David raised a brow, turning his body to face the group. "Travellers, like the nomads, right? People who don't stay in one place for too long. Always on the move, accepting quests from wherever village they goes to except the missions from the Kingdom."

Snapping his fingers, Bad gave him a proud thumbs up. "Correct! These two right here are Travellers." 

Technoblade nodded his head and stood up to shake their hands, as he did this, he noticed the two exchanged another determined look. Raj stepped back, hands both out in rejection of a shake. "Technoblade! Yes, the one of the Kingdom's most known hero. We've seen flyers about you all around Mojang." The pink-haired hero didn't mean to give him a wary glare but... 

Laughing nervously, the tanned man tugged at Bad's hoodie, "Ahah... Darryl, could we, like, talk outside? Privately?" The brunet gave him a confused stare. 

"Huh? Uh, sure but—"

"I'm sure Callahan will keep him comfy. Aren't I right, Calla?" 

The not talking - possibly mute - male nodded. He practically pushed past them and took the seat where Darryl previously occupied. The latter seemed to still be reluctant so David gave him a reassuring nod. 

"Hey, it's alright. Go catch up with your friend, I won't go anywhere." 

With that being said, Darryl beamed and followed Raj outside the diner, just where David could see them from the window.

With the brunet gone, Techno couldn't help but sigh, unbelievably calm despite the hostile presence wavering off Callahan from behind him whom he's pretty sure is glaring at the back of his head.

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Just to be clear, Travellers and Heroes are like rivalry teams. They both accept quests from the lands, yes. But the main difference is that Travellers don't have records hence why they don't get to do hard missions from the Kingdom. Only heroes can accept since they have designated places e.g. Skeppy from MunVadXel lands. 


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