(48) Pride Approval

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Holding a bundle in one arm, David heard his old man clearing his throat. He watched as the man took another log, possible the last one, and aligned it upright on the stump. 

"Technoblade, huh?" Henry Barton started, yielding the axe in hand. "Fancy name. It suits you,"  the axe came down, the blade sharp enough to split the log without a hitch.

"You've done a lot of missions, accomplished a ton of goals," David was silent as he watches his dad's face has a faraway look and a faint smile. "You've done so much, son. So much that you barely visited." The hero looked down, unable to look at his father in the eyes from the guilt that's crawling up his back. 

"How long has it been? 2 years?"

"Pa, I'm so sorry-"

David started, already walking close to face his dad. He may have talked back to people older than his age, but one thing's for sure. He will forever hold respect for the man who chose to raise him instead of pursuing his dreams to become one of the kingdom's top heroes.

The older man laughed, and patted his son on the shoulder with a shake of his head. "It's alright. David, it's alright, don't worry about it. I know it will eventually happen with a job like yours." His brown eyes held satisfaction, brimming with pride at how far his son has become.

Henry placed his axe back inside his Hotbar and held Techno by his shoulders to show how much his words mean next. "I'm proud of you. You don't have to apologise for anything, alright?" Technoblade visibly relaxed, "Just, visit more often this time."

Eager, Techno quickly nodded. "I will. I will, Pa."

The answer was good enough and the older man took a step back, craning his head from left to right, a gesture Technoblade had already memorised and knows it meant they were going to have to talk another serious topic. 

"So, Darryl, huh?"

He gulped- Technoblade gulped! Who would've thought that the reason for this fearless hero to be extremely nervous was speaking to his old man about his wholesome boyfriend?

"I'm guessing that he's also a hero? You know, with all your missions going on, I doubt you have enough time to go out and mingle." His dad ruffled his dyed pink hair and he felt like a child all over again. "You weren't very the social type even when you were a kid back then." The man offered a joyous laugh,

Blinking out of his thoughts, Techno caught on that they were talking about Bad. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, yeah. Darryl's a hero as well; he goes by the alias, BadBoyHalo."

His dad raised a brow and the pink-haired man quickly stuttered, not wanting to give Darryl a bad impression on his dad, "He's exceptionally good with the bow!

"He won us the last tournament too with his skills and aside from that, Darryl's a wonderful teammate." Techno grinned, unable to stop his heart from swelling. "He's really sweet and caring, he does a lot of volunteers on the library and teaching orphans." They're gonna have to avoid the fact that Technoblade's tone changed when it came to the last word. 

"You know, sometimes he reminds me of ma from how kind he is. He loves baking muffins—which, by the way, taste really good! I'm sure you and ma would enjoy them. I'm positive that you guys will love him, pa, Darryl's a good guy with a heart of gold. 'Sides, there's always an adoptio-"

The pink-haired hero was cut off when his father suddenly roared out a laugh. If it had been anybody else, he would've given them the infamous glare. 

"David, son, calm down." Henry gave out a hearty chuckle, tilting his head as he lightly patted his son's face, similar brown eyes with a hint of amusement. "Look, it doesn't matter to me that Darryl's a man; female or male, Davey, I don't care. All's that important is that they'll take good care of my son. As long as they love you as much as you love them, David, I don't mind."

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