(12) Visitation

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"Subdivision number... 142... 143..."

David glanced back down at the note in his hand, reading the numbers that are scribbled on the piece of paper along with asking a few questions from the villagers, he was able to pinpoint the place where Darryl lives in.

He glanced at the wooden post sign that has vines wrapped around with. "Ah, here we go. 144," the pink-haired man grinned while crumpling the paper in his pocket as he strode along the dirt road.

Philza has insisted on letting him continue their quest. Saying along the lines of, "Love's the most important quest you'll ever have, and when the opportunity comes, you should quickly grab it." Looking back at it now, it sure as hell was cheesy.

Techno chuckled, continuing down the path when a sudden thought popped in his head that made him stop in his tracks. He bit his bottom lip and slapped himself with his right hand. Holy shit. Was he really going to face Bad without thinking of what's he's gonna say? What the heck was he going to do if they do meet? Oh, shoot.

Right then and there, the young man wished for the ground beneath him to open up and swallow him whole for being stupid. Why was he so stupid whenever it came to the brown-haired, muffin-lover cutie?

"Technoblade?" A voice he knows but not the voice he was looking for.

Sighing, he ran a hand through his pink locks, turning around and feeling his coat sway from behind him as he did. Now fully facing Skeppy, Techno wasn't sure what to really feel at the moment. He had suspicions but he never really got to prove it. Maybe now was the time he actually could.

"Skeppy," he nodded towards the raven-haired who was known as the Diamond Boy.

Zak had his blue cape wrapped around his neck, hair currently bushy and visibly unbrushed along with his hands forming into fists by his side. The tanned male squinted his brown eyes, "What are you doing here?"

David's own eyes wandered off to the side, purposely avoiding eye contact to provoke the younger male. "Oh, you know... visiting Bad."

He glanced back just in time to see that the other had already stomped towards him, eyes as narrowed as they can.

"Techno, I swear, whatever you're planning— just leave. Leave him alone; Leave him be."

Ahh, so his assumptions were correct. He was getting avoided, and the reason behind it was Skeppy himself. He didn't know the latter would step down on such a petty move. Once the ravenette was exactly in front of him, Technoblade stood on his ground. Not flinching from the other's glare nor was he ever planning to move away.

"I was right. It was you who told him to ignore me."

With a twitch on the other's eyebrow, Zak glared harder than before. "Yeah? So what? He's my best friend and I have the right to protect him."

David's own eyebrows furrowed at his statement. Did Zak just really accuse him that he was going to hurt Darryl? What? A scowl came upon the pink head's features, looking down on the raven-haired hero. 

"And what made you think I will?" he huffed.

"Look, Skeppy, I know he's your friend and all but you don't get the right to dictate what or what BadBoyHalo should do in his life; you surely won't tell me what I should do with mine because I'm heading straight to his house to see him." A bit absurd considering he doesn't actually know which house the brunette resides in.

As if scripted, just in time for the moment, Technoblade squinted his eyes to see further in his vision.

Behind Zak, David saw a figure walking out from behind a simple, wooden house, carrying a flower pot in hands. He squinted his brown eyes more until he could make out the figure. Howdy doody, it was the brunette himself!

The figure stopped walking as soon he caught sight of the pair, confused as to why the two was standing in front of each other.

"Geppy?" was his first inquiry before tentatively sweeping his gaze to the sight. " And... Techno?" he asked sounding surprised (which was understandable) due to this, he lost hold of the flower pot in his hands, causing it to fall and break on the ground. 

His face still directed at the pink-haired hero, he asked.

"What are you doing here?"

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Fun Fact: I still think that half of you guys reading this are bots...

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