(03) Another Form

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With a quick swipe, Techno held Bad's wrist and started running, leaving the latter no choice but to follow. The brunette checked at his clock to find out that there was still remaining daylight, but it wasn't that believable especially with the grey clouds covering the sky, meaning that the mobs are going to have a chance at spawning. The rain soon came, pouring heavily upon the forest.

Weaving through the trees and vines, Techno tried his best to get them both to safety when one, no two... no, five, eight, twelve- sixteen red glowing eyes popped out from the darkness.

Vigilant brown eyes took a quick scan at his opponents; two spiders, four zombies, a skeleton, and a creeper had decided to spawn in the same location near them. Techno held his trusty diamond sword near and across his chest; this will be like teaming up with that one guy, James, from the other month; he's gonna have to carry the both of them.

Ushering Bbh backwards, a smirk came upon the taller man's lips. If there are other things that entertain Technoblade the most was for him to have the chance to show off his combat skills to other 'players'. It always made him feel superior to others, and he loves that feeling. 

Lunging forward, he rushed over to the spider that had climbed up on a tree, using his legs' strength, he used the back of the other spider - which was on the ground - stepping on it as a leverage to reach the higher mob and slicing its head all the way. After killing both eight-legged crawling mobs, Techno felt pleased when he got to stab his sword through the walking rotting flesh of a monster. Pushing over it to the skeleton's way who was too late to react resulted in both of the mobs stumbling down making it easier for Techno to deepen the blade in the zombie's body, puncturing the skeleton in the process.

Once done, he used his foot to pull his sword off the mob's bodies, turning his point of view so he was now facing two more flesh-eating monsters. He used his sword to block an attack that came from one of them by his right then kicked the zombie to his left to get more space so he can easily stab the other zombie through the skull. Technoblade sighed thinking that the last mob was the zombie by his left; he glanced over to it to find out that it had already turned to dust - which confused him considering he was not able to stab it before. A familiar hissing sound came from behind and that was the time the pink-haired man remembered there was a creeper ready to explode. 

In an instant, he whipped his body around and raised his sword once again to block most of the incoming explosion. Shutting his eyes tight, he waited for the stinging heat and for his hp to go down. The creeper had hissed midway, flashing bright white when all of a sudden, a swift echo of an arrow being released by a bow was heard in front of him. Oak brown eyes opened just in time to see the arrow hit the green mob straight in its head, quickly killing it and turning it to dust. 

His shoulders loosened, never really noticing how tense it was. David's head whipped around to see the most unexpected sight in the year. Darryl, the same brunette who was aww-ing at the butterfly merely moments ago, now has his bow and quiver out, already drawing the bowstring with three arrows placed at the same time.

What surprised David the most was the expression Darryl had, it was both focused and determined; brows furrowed with intensity and lips pressed tight showing off as a straight line. Behind the glasses, his eyes squinted a bit, trying to rid of the stray lock that had fallen on the center of his face. 

"Duck!" Darryl called out, pulling David out from his staring and following the male's orders.

Once he ducked his head down, legs crouched to stay lower by the ground, the brunette had released the arrows of his bow. The movement was quick and clean, arrows flying past over David's head and going straight over, hitting the bullseye on the skeleton's head. 

The sound of bone clacking then the familiar sound of something turning dust echoed through the heavy pouring rain. Techno's head raised up, astonished at what he had just witnessed. BadBoyHalo was not just a childish, gullible person. He might come off as someone sweet and vulnerable from the outside but when the switch needed to be flick, his whole persona crumbles down into someone dark and serious. 

What a rare sight to see indeed.

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