(51) Derreck

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Some asshole in your block, homophobic boi

Sorry this took way longer, if this is published by now, hopefully, I already have enough drafts to keep a momentum going.

I'm tired of waiting, I want to post this now.


The couple decided to head to the market at the early rise of the sun in order to buy the necessary ingredients for baking muffins. It was their second day staying in Florifornia and Bad decided to bake his favourite pastry for Techno's parents. 

They were walking side to side in regular clothes, going over the conversation Bad had with Henry the night prior. It was about Techno's childhood that was mostly spent on training, wanting to fill in the dream his father has abandoned for both him and his mother. Technoblade noticed the saddened look with a hint of guilt on Bad's face and before he could've gotten the chance to ask, he was already looking away.

The brunette thought for a moment, fiddling with the basket in hand as he tried to remember a certain detail. When he snapped his fingers, his green eyes lit up and stared at Techno's brown ones. 

He bit his lip. "Didn't something about you and the others being sent out to do a mission?"

David hummed in agreement, running a hand through his hair as he avoided his boyfriend's gaze, lips still tingling at the kiss they shared on top of the roof.

"Yeah, well," the pink head shrugged, "if I accepted the job, I wouldn't be here right now with you, wouldn't I?" Techno would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy the way Bad absentmindedly touched his own lips, turning away with a blush on his face. 

In an effort to stir the subject, Bad stopped by a stall to take a look around its merchandise. "What about that Enderdragon you killed all those years ago? I'm surprised they haven't made you king yet."

Once again, Technoblade shrugged. His mind wandered off to a different stall, oak-brown eyes glinting upon seeing various weapons displayed out front.

"Mojang is surely an uptight kingdom, although who knows? Maybe if one of those flying beasts show up, I'd slay it again and have a secure spot on the throne." 

The hero ran his fingers on the displayed swords and hatchets, already too distracted to remember their previous conversation. Only nodding when Darryl told him he was about to go to the Eastern part where some other stalls stood. 

David let his eyes roam, finding some interesting weapons being showcased, true steel swords and sharpened axes with leather wrapped around its handle. Rubies and golds engraved for decorations, he hummed with no actual tune before carefully taking a smaller hatchet with an emerald embedded by the side. 

"Well isn't it the one and only Technoblade?"

A voice called out from behind and David couldn't be bothered to roll his eyes at the frustratingly familiar voice of his childhood bully. He let out a grunt in response, calling for the shop's owner and giving him the mini hatchet he intends to buy. 

"Not even a hello?" Derreck roared with a laugh deciding to stand by and pretending to take interest in the swords within reach.

It amuses Techno, really, the fact that the guy still thinks he's feared by him when in reality he has just not chosen to kick his ass after all these years was because he found no convincing reason to do so. 

What fun would he gain when his prey wouldn't even fight back? That's just an easy win which is boring. 

Receiving the item he bought, Technoblade turned the other way and began walking away from the arrogant man. The latter must've not gotten the cue since he followed the taller's footsteps. It was as if he's free to do anything he wanted within the hero's presence when in reality, Technoblade just couldn't be bothered giving him the satisfaction from retaliating.

"I've heard you got a boyfriend," David hurried up his footsteps, taking notes of the stalls he passed by and subtly placing the hatchet back in his inventory. "So, what's this? Not only you're a weakling but a fag as well."

Did he say he wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of reacting? Well, he might have reconsidered the idea. The pink-haired man turned around the block and into a quiet neighbourhood which most residents must've gone hunting or selling for the day. 

"I mean seriously, aren't you ashamed? Number one hero yet you're here bringing home a twink."

David gritted his teeth yet also enjoyed the fact that Derreck was following him like the foolish man he is. Closing up to a turn into an alleyway, he checked in his Hotbar where he made sure that his sword was ready to access.

"What's the matter? Women too manly for your taste? Hah- I bet your boyfriend's too much of a princess to-"

Derreck has never gotten to finish his sentence, freezing on the spot and carefully swallowing but not without the tip of the diamond's sword poking his skin. When the man looked up, to be only greeted with the sight of the blood god looking down on him. 

"You were saying?"

This must be the perfect place to injure someone without getting called on. Derreck following him to the neighbourhood without getting too much of suspicion was just perfect. Oh, there's just so much walls to paint red into.

With surprisingly enough guts, Derreck sneered then smirked. "What are you gonna do? Slice me? Break my arms? You do know that I could just report your ass to the council and they'll have you behind bars for non-consensual violence." Add up a false story, pull some strings, the hero's reputation would be good as a frog's food. 

David tilted his head with a poker face. "I bet there are other ways I can do to break that ugly pride off your head." 

Cockiness morphed into confusion, Derreck blinked suddenly feeling scared once more. 

"Ye-yeah? And what?"

The pink-head stood his ground, his hands tightening around the sword with a slight manoeuvre. He knows Derreck's dumb but maybe he's not dumb enough to not realize that the ground below him has already pooled and the wet stain in his pants was unmistakable. 

 Techno reckons before a sinister grin crept up his face. "How about a new haircut?"


Technoblade felt Bad's grip on his hand tighten a little with a slight tug. He turned his head to the right with a raised brow, meeting Bad's slightly worried yet mostly confused face.

"Hey, Techno?" the said male hummed in response, squeezing back as they continued to walk down the path back to the house. It sounded like Bad hesitated first, pausing for a moment before finally relenting. "I think I saw Derreck," he started.

Slightly bemused, David let his thumb rub over his boyfriend's gloved knuckles. "Oh? What about that dic- guy?"

Darryl blinked. "I saw him sprint past the crowd with a shiny bald head and smelling like pee." 

"So you're saying you saw a pissbaby?"

"I- language! But yes, I saw him before I saw you and it made me wonder if you had anything to do with it..." 

To hide the smirk on his face, Techno brought their intertwined hands up and gave a quick yet tender kiss on the back of the brunette's hand. "Have I told you how sweet and thoughtful you are?" 

Bad puffed out his cheeks, looking away with pink ears. "I- you- wait, are you avoiding my question??" It made Technoblade chortle, his normal volume slightly deeper. 

"I don't know, am I?" he grinned when the other gave him a glare. Bad opened his mouth, ready to reply to the hero's cheekiness when the sound of loud voices yelling entered both of their ears.

And to make matters worse, it was coming from the house.

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I believe this is the part where it's all gonna be rocky from there...

I think I'll be posting on Wednesdays! Every two weeks or so. Either once or twice, nobody knows!

Share this story to some of your friends out there who's open to shipping this rare of a pair! Gotta spread this interesting word.


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