(67) In Conclusion, Leave.

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"I believe that someone owes me three specific words when I wake up."


"You're a muffinhead, Techno. It's been three days, did you know that?"

The said male tilted his head towards the source of the voice but was continued to be met with total darkness. Nevertheless, that did not stop Technoblade from recognising the owner of the voice he held dear to his heart. He knew it was Bad but the lack of familiar green eyes and signature red on a black hoodie had him confused and a little bit worried.

"You never really grew out of your hero complex tendencies, didn't you?"

He hears Bad continue seemingly unaware of his conscious brain. What happened and why does he feel... numb? Technoblade tried raising an arm or wiggling his legs— nothing. It's as if he's trapped in a spider's web or dressed in complete bandages from head to though akin to a glorified mummy. If the hero could frown he would've done so by now.

"Tell me, Techno... Tell me, was it worth it? The stunt you pulled - the stunt that almost took your life - was it worth it?!" Ah, so he wasn't dead. Now that's nice to hear. It would be a shame if he did, he had so many plans he wanted to accomplish with Bad. For some reason, the pink-haired man had an instinct that the brunette he cannot see was tearing up.

Bad sobbed, the bed dipped by the side where he held the hero's unresponsive arm, holding it close to ground himself to the reality that Technoblade was still alive, he wasn't dead - yet he wasn't awake either. "After all those times, Techno, you must have seen who I was. Aren't you scared? I was punished for it, aren't you alarmed that I'll hurt you? I almost got you killed so— gosh darn it, David, was I worth it?"

The brunette leaned down and shut his eyes close, his forehead touches the back of boyfriend's hand tried to keep his cries muffled unto the sheets.

"Please, please, please wake up. I don't know what I'll do without you - " there was a sniff and, " - I don't know how to love without you."

It was hilarious in a different light, really. A soldier who didn't know how to feel learnt and gave love to a survivor who understands yet runs. They were each other's lights, from the very first time they unknowingly met in that ballroom from all those years ago, the orbits of their hearts connected in a way that made them each other's world.

"I love you," Darryl muttered as he let his shoulders slump from emotional exhaustion. "I know I haven't told you but I really, really do love you, David." He closed his eyes, letting his glasses slide over his nose, "Please wake up so you could hear them yourself."


"You're such a muffinhead."

"Those are four words and weren't the ones I was looking— oof!"


The door to his room creaked open causing the young hero to look up from where he was staring in space, squinting his eyes to get a clearer look at his new visitor. A man with long brown hair and a very distinct red bandana wrapped around his head had Technoblade sitting up within seconds.

"Shane," he acknowledged. What was this guy doing in his room? How was he able to get inside? Was he here to finish the job or get revenge? Or maybe both? Sure, Bad had killed Tanner in self-defence after that arrow left his bowstring but maybe the man's aim was to kill a fellow close friend? An eye for an eye?

Both of his friends were gone after all. Josh was jailed in courtesy of Dream tackling him down and Philza ordering some guards and Tanner was shot dead in a clean shot. Shane's the only one left standing, having proved innocent when they found out that he lacked the knowledge of his friends' dark agenda.

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