(49) About Him

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Their talk about BBH ensues seriously.


They all sat around the table, chicken soup, casserole, and rice. Starting with a light conversation, they briefly talked about how a group of thieves tried to ambush Techno and Bad on their way to Florifornia then changing unto the topics of possible s-tier mobs roaming around from all the weird occurrences that have been happening in town lately.

"You say earthquakes?" Techno asked after getting another round of chicken soup in his bowl. Thoroughly impressed at the meal his boyfriend made.

His father hummed, explaining how the calamity had been hitting them a couple of months ago joined by a monstrous roar from the darkest parts of the forest in West region. Dianne, his mother, cut in the conversation, wanting to learn more of her son's partner than the suggestion of a dangerous beast.

"What about you, Darryl? Have you introduced Davey to your parents yet?" 

With that question, Technoblade was quick to choke on the soup he had been sipping. Violently cough awkwardly turning to face the brunette with a concerned expression. To the hero's surprise, however, Bad remained calm, as if already used to the assumption of having been raised with a family. He replied,

"No, and I don't think I'll ever get the chance to." The young man offered a kindred smile, "My mother left me in the orphanage when I was still an infant and, well, I don't know where my father went." He shrugged like the topic was as easy as talking about the weather up above.

Dianne, terrified at the news, reached over the table and held Darryl's hand in her. "Oh, sweetie, is that so?" She was back to using her mother's voice. The type where even the most chaotic reptiles would croon just to hear her. David watched as they made eye contact, motherly love and care. "I welcome and love you as my son." 

"..thank you."

Technoblade couldn't help but feel his heart flip at the way Bad's expression lit up at his mother's words. It made his chest warm which fondness was sure to spread. "You're not replacing me now, aren't you, ma?" The hero with dyed pink hair could not help but joke, both parents laughing.

Dianne hummed, a happy smirk on her lips. "I don't know, Davey... maybe Darryl might rival your place,"

David snorted and grinned when Darryl chortled beside him. 

"Alright, alright. Let's finish our meal since I want to have a one-on-one, man-to-man talk with Darryl after dinner." Henry chimed and David noticed Darryl start to play at the end of his long-sleeved shirt as anxiety starts to build up. Not wanting the latter to worry, David reached down and interlaced his hand with the brunette, offering a reassuring simper. It helped eased down the male's nerves.

After dinner, Henry was quick to grab two bottles of root beers before heading out the porch where he gestured Darryl to follow. This left David and Dianne to handle the cleanup, having the mother to wash the dished and David drying them once done.

"He's a lovely man," 

Dianne told her son who in turn hummed in agreement with a nod. 

"Sure is." Technoblade accepted the plate, slightly adjusting the towel in hand to wipe the utensil off with a dry spot.

She paused for a moment, watched her reflection on the spoon she's cleaning. "He's a good kid; kind from what I noticed back in the market at how measured and gentle his tone was."

This left a smile on Techno's lips. He had always found his mother's observant and smart reasoning to be accurate and helpful and he's glad to have the same conclusion with her when it came to BBH. "The best that I can find." He answered wistfully, eyes looking far away, not catching the worried expression that passed on his mother's face. It was akin to a battle inside her head, unable to make a choice.

"David," his mother started and the tone slightly caught Techno off guard. He met her brown eyes, looking down at having to be taller than her by a head. "I don't mean to be nosey or invading..." she trailed off and this set Technoblade's worry furthermore. 

"Yes, ma? What is it? You could always rely on me."

Dianne furrowed her brows, adding wrinkles to her lovely face.

"I saw the scars on his arms."

The information sent Techno's head reeling to a stop. The glimpses of Bad's scars littered over his arms flashed inside his head and he felt his stomach turn in an ungrateful way. The thought of someone so happy looking, always smiling, supporting and kind to be in pain in their darkest hours. Tears and blood were shed as they felt so alone.

David's face turned into a downcast look. Oak-brown eyes going down at the utensils in his hand, fork to be specific at how off his reflection met him. "Honestly, I haven't confronted him about it." He explained whilst continuing on his work to wipe the last item before placing them on the holder. "I'm waiting for him to be ready to open up. I don't want to push and accidentally send him away. I trust him to tell me soon, and I'll wait no matter how long."

Turning off the faucet, Dianne reached up to ruffle her son's hair, remembering how brown it once was. "Honesty is essential to any relationship, Davey."

David nodded in agreement. "I know."

The front door opened to let in a pair of laughing men, voices loud and seemingly enjoying each other's company. The confused the heck out of Techno who he and his mother glanced at each other before walking out of the kitchen.

In the living room, where they met his father, laughing enthusiastically at something Bad have slurred. He was assisting so the brunette won't suddenly face plant on the floor. 

Walking over, Technoblade reached and put an arm around Bad's waist while placing the latter's arm around his shoulder to balance their weight. His confused and worried expression surfaced as he searched his father for any explanation.

"I thought you guys had one beer each?" He then turned to look at the male with green eyes in by his side. "And in case you've forgotten, Bad, you're lightweight."

His father hollered out a laugh as his mother went back to the kitchen to fetch both her husband and son's boyfriend water to drink. "That's why! He did only have a single beer, just a little bit of lemon added in." Henry whispered the second phrase, grinning when his son rolled his eyes.

Dianne came back, giving Techno the cup and swatting her husband on the arm. "Thank you, ma. See you guys later, I gotta get this idiot to bed."

Popping his head up, Bad gave Techno an unappreciative pout. "Hey! Who are you calling an idiot?"


"I am not!"

"You're drunk."

"Tipsy is the right word, good sir!"

They bantered back and forth, disappearing on the steps upstairs to where Techno knows his old room was located. 

Henry wrapped his arm around his wife's waist who in turn pecked his cheek with a chaste kiss. "They're good for each other." Was his comment, leaning his head on top of Dianne's hair. "They'll take good care of each other."

"We won't have to worry, our son's in good hands."

"I know."

"Have you told him yet?"


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Don't forget to Follow for... For the rarest of rare pairs!

Hopefully, by the time I put out (49) I would already have a lot of drafts set up to keep the momentum growing... highly unlikely. Oh, well.

Edit: ^^Did not age well.

Anyhows, don't forget to spread the word! :D we do be out here making a cult..


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