(32) Angels need Guardians too

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I uhm..  hi, I panicked. So yah...^^


A clear clacking of ice indicated that it hit against his glass cup. Technoblade has mentally counted the seconds when BadBoyHalo and Raj left through the diner's door; approximately 23 and counting. Opening his eyes, he was met with the sight of Callahan who had taken his hood down revealing messy and short blond locks that have poked in every direction.

Callahan had dropped his heavy backpack by the side before cracking his knuckles with his stare steady straight at the pink-haired man. Now, David doesn't know the exact reason causing the unfriendly glare; he does have an inkling idea though.

It wasn't uncommon for a hero and a traveller to be friends. In fact, they were many relationships like it despite the Travellers' origin which stated how they rebel against the Kingdom by not affiliating themselves with the crown.

Most Travellers hated Heroes, most of them think that being one with the title only corrupts people in money and fame. 

The same goes for the Heroes, most thinks that Travellers are nothing but a bunch of dirty rats that couldn't afford to stay in one place. 

The sound of snapping fingers brought Technoblade out of his mental research, his view focusing once more to see that the masked male with blond hair and blue glaring eyes was trying to get his attention. 

Sitting up straight in a much more formal manner, David noticed that the man was pointing at a napkin that's placed on the table. Leaning in a bit, the pink head was able to read the written words against the white fabric.

What do you want with Bad?

His knee started bobbing up and down, a manner that never seems to go away no matter one's effort to stop. David averted his gaze from the napkin and back up to respond to the blond's question with a heavily bored expression. 

Ah, straight to the point then. This made Techno wonder how many protective friends does the brunet have. It was like a heavily built bunker that Bad was tricked to live in. The first lock was Skeppy and now this? Some blond dude he never met that may or may not have already taken a dislike on him.

Technoblade shrug, giving Callahan a nonchalant stare.

"Nothing except to be there for him." 

If they were diving in on him like a bullet, then it's going to be his turn to give them a direct answer. As if it wasn't hard enough, Callahan's glare remained bold. His body slightly leaning closer to emphasize how intimidating he can be despite being voiceless. 

Mentally, Technoblade couldn't help but scoff. A mute orphan trying to scare him off... how cute.

"You know, whatever you're trying to do, it won't work. I already got Skeppy's permission - and trust me, that guy tried." Nope, not today sir. Technoblade wouldn't back down now that he was able to get the brunet alone. On a date, the latter didn't know about.

Even so, David kinda felt touched by all of these locks' efforts. They were so protective of Darryl that they'll literally go all out for every possible chance to scare him off. To be fair, the pink-haired hero could understand their actions. Why would anybody want to taint such a perfect hue of light? 

Then again... if they're this guarding, does that mean that someone actually managed to tarnish the light? Had someone slipped under their nose? Found a gap within the bunker? Bad is a literal angel himself, he can't believe that someone would intentionally want to hurt him. 

Guess angels need their own guardians too.

Callahan slammed his palm down the table, successfully rattling the nearby patrons. Their food was slightly disturbed but it didn't matter now. Techno has not even flinched nor recoiled at the pissed off male's proximity. He simply refocused his sight to the glaring man and intentionally not showing many reactions proves to be a success at getting in the other's nerves.

Others would've probably already backed down, squirming under the intense gaze. Yet, of course, Technoblade wasn't like the 'others'; He was known for his blank face after all. 

A bit too aggressively, Callahan motioned with his hand, two fingers pointing at his eyes before jabbing it against the hero's chest. The basic, clear sign of I'm watching you.

The sound of the diner's door opening had quickly sent the blond back down on his seat, hood pulled back up and hands adjusting the bag's straps; acting like he hadn't just made a scene earlier. 

"Alright Callahan, we need to head out," Raj called out for the blond behind a little pissed looking brunet. Bad had his lips pulled in a frown, nose scrunched and brows furrowed. What did Raj do to bother the brown-haired hero so much?

Standing up in response, Callahan stared down at Bad with fondness visible in his eyes that Techno hadn't seen earlier. Maybe the blond was just really worried for his friend... 

Regardless of being mad, Darryl was able to let his nose loosen upon facing his masked friend. "Goodbye Callahan," he offered a small smile, still wary from the earlier talk.

Nodding, the traveller's hands cupped the brunet's face before giving the latter a chaste kiss on his forehead. The action made Bad giggle and Techno search for his sword. Once the traveller has let go of the hero's face, Bad gave the former a light pat on his shoulder. 

"I'll miss you too Cal," BadBoyHalo then resulted in enveloping his friend into a hug. As Bad did this, Callahan slightly turned to face Technoblade. 

Eyeing the masked traveller, a vein popped on his forehead as he felt his own blood boil when Callahan suddenly stuck his tongue out like a child. Mocking David with a shit-eating grin, showing off at how easily he was hugged by Darryl.

Rolling his eyes, David resulted in getting his trusty sword out of the Hotbar but minded to keep it out of view from the rest by hiding it under the table. 

When Bad has pulled back, both males returned to their previous facade, Callahan giving his friend a proud grin while Technoblade offers a very forced one of his own - sword going back in his Hotbar. 

Bidding one last goodbye, the travellers finally left— but not without Callahan giving David a one last 'keeping my eyes on you' sign in which the latter had to flip him off under the table and out of Bad's oblivious sight.

Leave a vote for more! ÒwÓ 

Don't worry, Callahan might actually make an appearance again, who knows. 

Gotta spread the word, guys.


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