(40) Say it.

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I- Uhm... Idk anymore. Sorry for writing so trash T_T


From afar, he could see the diamond boy took a detour. Running for a rather thick bush to the right by a fence and... he squinted closer. Were those... are those Ph1LzA, Wilbur, and Jschlatt? Are they seriously spying on him right now?

Letting it pass for now, Technoblade turned his focus to the man in front of him. Their eyes met once again and it was enough to make the world around them shift into an uncertain planet. Technoblade straightened his posture, ignoring the nagging feeling at the back of his head that's practically craving to be close to the other boy. Fiddling with his fingers, the pink head bit his lip before taking a cautionary step forward.

Even though he expected the action, he couldn't help but still feel dejected when the brunette took a step back.

"I think we need to talk about this." He slowly started anticipating all signs of what possible reaction he would get from the other. Bad was quick to shake his head.

"Nooo? I don't think we have anything to talk about."

He's lying, was what Techno's gut was telling him. Though he didn't want to push. Averting his brown eyes somewhere far off the distance and into the fine line that's separating the field of wheat and light blue sky, he let his reviving emotion take control.

"I read a quote from some book I found. It said, 'No relationship is all sunshine but two people can share one umbrella and survive the storm together.' and funny enough, I believe it." The hero took another step, testing waters once again. This was his way of saying that Bad doesn't have to be scared. There's nothing to be afraid of.

BBH raised a brow. "What if this so-called umbrella break? What would happen? Hmmm? You muffin, there's absolutely no guarantee that-"

"Then let's try it." The pink head wasted no beat, successfully stunning the brunette and taking this opportunity to press another step. "W-what?" Bad managed to utter, a bit dumbfounded.

Rolling his shoulders, Technoblade was able to close their distance. "Darryl," the brunette flinched at the use of his real name. "Stop cowering away, please. How are you so scared when you haven't even tried it?"

The brown-haired shook his head, his shoulders visibly tensing up at the confrontation. Yes, he is being a coward but, he have his reasons. David knows he must have his reasons. Was it the scars? Had someone degraded him so low enough that he can't stand back like he normally do?

"You don't know me." Bad's head was down, his gloved hands clenching into fists by his sides.

To be honest, Technoblade was ready to rip the shards of his heart out; since he can't morally do that, he settled on harshly pounding his palm over his chest, brown eyes blown wide in a slight hint of desperation.

"Then let me!" He didn't mean to shout but if that's what it'll take for the other to listen to him, then he has no other choice. "Bad, I'll take care of you! I'll make sure that you'll feel loved!" Technoblade exclaimed with his hands practically swaying as if trying to make a point.

"I'll- I'll cook you breakfast! I'll make sure you're safe, protected from harm's way! Darryl, please let me show you." It was a plea, and everyone who knows Techno well knew that he was not the type to plead.

Bad brought a fist to his mouth and bit on it to muffle his sobs. It was like the brunette suddenly remembered that he's got more space to back upon. He frantically shook his head as he held up his other hand, a sign to stop, while tears continued to escape his emerald eyes in a mimic of a waterfall.

With each of David's declaration, he feels something crack. Like something was willing to break and open up, yet he doesn't want to. He's still afraid of opening his heart out, afraid that he doesn't deserve any love. Any sign of affection. He can't— he spent all these years of building up a sturdy wall around him, so why? Why is this pink-haired muffintop willing to break it all away? Isn't he getting tired of all the walls? He told him already that it's impossible, there's nothing left for him, so why?

Bad thinks doesn't deserve anyone. He was just a waste of space, a total plastic filled with nothing but a blabbermouth. Good for nothing piece of trash and he even got the reminders for it. All he does is complain, break, hurt–

Technoblade could see his troubled head, could see that he was backing off a cliff that had nothing waiting for him below. In an act to save him from falling down the edge, he made a quick choice. With his right hand, he grabbed the brunette's wrist and pulled him close to his chest, settling him there with the use of his left arm slithering around his waist before flattening his hand on the other's back, subtly rubbing the scars he knows that are littered across Bad's back.

Bad tried to push him away. He settled his right hand on Techno's chest and began resisting him all while trying to pry his left wrist off the hero's grip.

"I- I can't- I'll only end up hurting you."

"You won't."

"There's no such thing as-"

"You won't. Darryl, I- you're hurting me just by pushing me away. Please..."

"I- I can't..." It was as if a mantra being repeated and David hated it.

"I'll stop if you tell me to stop. Tell me you don't feel the same way and I'll leave you alone. I'll get out of your hair, move out of town even; all you need to do is tell me. Say it, Darryl."

Slowly, the brunette grown weak, head and shoulders slumping. His protests grew weak and the reserved strength he had have vanished. Instead of pushing, his right hand turned to gripping David's red coat. Darryl sniffed, his head still down even when already pressed against the other's chest.

"I don't..." he whimpered and David braced himself to accept the male's decision. He'll move away, he'll respect his wish. He won't push anymore. He stopped the tears that had threatened to fall, opting himself to listen to the shorter male's ragged breaths instead. After a deep exhale, Darryl began; and in a small voice, he managed to let out.

"I... I like you too." A ragged breath, "I like you and I want us to work this out too."

The man in the red coat froze for a minute. His brown eyes going wide, totally not expecting the answer. He was right after all. Slowly, he gently wiped the tears away from the shorter male's face and in that same moment, he swore to himself. He'll do whatever it takes to make sure the other won't regret his choice.

FINALLY, THIS PART IS DONE! I can finally start writing a more tamed section!

This concludes the end of wave 1. What do you guys think happened to Bad that got him so scared? Who knows, maybe they'll break up.

Wonder when I'll ever reveal it to y'all... Again, I'm sorry if my writing turned to shit, I'm trying to get my hands back into practice, trying to remember how I write in this story.


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