(58) Intimacy's Not Only Touch

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//TW mentioned self-harm, scars

They planned to have their first time... It didn't exactly go as planned.

I wrote this while listening to the song Sucker for Pain, was it a good idea? ... probably.


The lamp placed on top of the table right beside their bed just gave enough glow to see through the dark, not too bright that it lit up the whole room to the outside. The soft orange cast of flame contained inside the glassed object has delicately danced on the couple's skin.

The glow defined their sharp features through the dark; from cheeks to the chin, beneath the eyes to the side of the head. David sat on the bed, his brown eyes dilated, staring at his boyfriend's silhouette where he stood at the foot of their bed. He couldn't help but swallow his mouth dry. It had been years since the pink head has gotten intimate with someone. Granted, the only experience he's ever had was with female anatomy.

Slowly, his arms reached over his back, thumbs hooked at the hem of his shirt, tugging at it before pulling it up. Goosebumps ran over his skin as the cold breeze that came from the balcony hit his exposed back. He resumed the action, doing it at a dauntingly snail's pace.

He does this until he gently gets the cloth off his head, dropping it on the floor. The pink-haired did this, likely showing, letting Bad know that all he had to do was follow his movement.

Once done, Techno ran a hand through his hair, failing terribly at his mission to flatten down the pink locks that pointed in every direction. He took a deep breath, his focus goes back to his partner who was idly fiddling with his own shirt. Technoblade knows the reason behind his lover's uneasiness, he could practically smell the anxiety surrounding the brunette. He offered a reassuring smile and that seems to do the trick when he felt Bad calmed.

Temptingly slow, Bad grabbed at the edge of his shirt, his green eyes glowed against the soft touch of fire, willing himself to pull the shirt over his head despite the spreading scarlet hue over his face, to the tip of his ears, down his neck. Their eye contact never stuttered, no other noise but the sounds of their breath and faint heartbeats echoing in the room.

The pink-head felt himself hitch a breath, his wandering eyes silently taking in Darryl's form with interest as much as curiosity. He has always known that the brunette was not lanky as everyone thought he was. Knowing that beneath all the layers of clothes, there's the reminder of training and a long-day workout.

Bad has always worn larger clothes, and Technoblade couldn't help but wonder if it was because he was afraid of showing people his slender waist - something not a lot of hero sports, always opting for muscular or packed built. It wasn't like having that type of waist was bad, on the contrary, it was actually good. It only meant that he could move quicker, lighter on his steps and can easily dodge any upcoming projectiles.

Besides the slender waist, there were visible muscles on Bad's arms, the type that an archer could have. Unlike Techno's built, Bad was lean and smooth, and the former couldn't help but thank his lucky stars for landing such an angel. There a million words he could think of describing his boyfriend but at that moment only one stands out: stunning.

BadBoyHalo is stunning.

However, Techno also knew that this wasn't the only thing Bad had been worried about showing. A moment later, the pink-haired man stomped the urge of biting his lips, instead, zipping it shut every line his eyes scanned over. Chocolate-brown eyes softened,

From the physique of his body, the scars littered across his arms were present, an alarming amount of lines that vary in length and how deep it went. With another sweep of his stare, Techno's worried mind lessened, mentally sighing in relief to find that most scars are faded and none was blaring red. It meant that there were no recently added ones, going clean for as long as weeks. With this knowledge, Technoblade couldn't help but feel proud.

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