Q \\Commercial Break\\ A

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Guys! Bad hit One Million Subs!!! (Just last night/Hours ago.)

And War of Hearts now (currently) has:
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:D People Of Georgiaaa duuudess! Thaaaank You guys!! :D

This is my way of sliding in my chapters to give you guys a time to think about chapter (01)-(30) and what y'all noticed so far.

Also my way of saying that your reigning romcom has ended and now begins the rougher path. Think of it as the start of season 2 in War of Hearts.

So, as a mini break, let's do a Q & A! :D cuz... I also wanted to do one of these but never got the chance to.

Drop some questions here and I'll answer some of them in the next page! (will post tomorrow) And then, after that, I'll post (31) the day after tomorrow.

You guys can ask any questions you want! Regarding the story, about me or the characters... anything really.

Thank you for taking your time on reading this. Of course, you Gotta Spread the unquestionable Word!
See ya!!!


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