(35) It Happens

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〜(꒪꒳꒪)〜expectation VS reality ⁽⁽ଘ( ˊᵕˋ )ଓ⁾⁾


This was his chance. 

"I have a confession."

As soon as those words escaped his lips, Techno knew there was no way he was backing out now. Not when Bad was already giving him one of those confused puppy eyes. 

The air stilled, the sun disappearing and darkness creeping in only to be shooed away by the lights from the street's lampposts. A tug at his heart, a pulse in his vein. David forced himself to handle direct eye contact, the sudden turn of his stomach reminding him of the last time he was facing a notable challenge. A dreading similarity of his last encounter with the infamous beast - the ender dragon - years ago. 

Although unlike before, he's going to have his heart lead his actions. 

"Yeah? Wait, don't tell me that you actually cheated on the games." BadBoyHalo exclaimed with a hinting suspicion in his tone. Technoblade immediately denied the accusation, shaking his head as he took two steps near the brunette. 

"What? No! I would never cheat. It was all skill." 

His voice was as calm as ever but holy heck do you feel the tremble underneath his fancy, red-hued coat. With the sky painted hot pink and gradient blue, the seemingly supposed busy street had lacked bystanders for the bidding of the hour. 

They could still hear the distant sound of the diner they so previously went in. They were far enough to not have the patrons intrude. 

"I— uh, hah... this is so dumb," David rubbed at his eyes, he could feel the tip of his ears burning hot red of embarrassment. This is such out of character for him. He never felt this type of nervous before; not from his ex; not from him signing up for quests for the first time. This was different.

His focus went back to the brunette in front of him and— oh his eyes are so green... Technoblade blinked. When will he stop himself from getting pulled in those mesmerizing viridescent pools? Will he ever get a chance to catch himself from falling any deeper? —Alright, he's getting distracted.

"Hey, it's alright. If it's something important then it's not dumb at all." 

Darryl reassured him while offering him a smi- that damn, sweet smile. Damn him for being too cute. (Technoblade.exe has stopped working.) Taking a deep breath, the pink-haired man nodded. Leave it to Darryl to being the greatest distraction he ever had in his span of twenty-one years.

"It is important and I really need to get this out of my chest before my whole body explodes," he grimly chortled, took a deep breath then breathed out,

"I like you."

Mehhhhhhh abort! abort! abort mission! This is going to be it. He's gonna have to rant isn't he?

Still looking puzzled as ever, the brunet tilted his head with his brows furrowed slightly.

"Well, thank you. I like you too you muffinhead." Bad nodded his head and continued.

"You, Philza, Wilbur, and even Tommy! You guys have been great to work with."  Bad went on, this time giving an almost awkward smile to show how sincere he was. 

And that smile seems to just be the last distraction Technoblade needed for him to open his mouth,

"Your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life—" Bad's face reddens and was about to cut in but Techno continued on, not wanting to lose his newfound rhythm. "—and every time I see it, I think to myself, 'gosh, is he trying to kill me?' 

"Then I remember that you're BadBoyHalo - you would never hurt a fly! Still, I look at you again and you stare back at me and boy do I start to doubt myself in every logic I come up with. 

"For ever since we got paired up, I couldn't help but feel like an idiot around you. 

"I may have trained for the perfect resting bi— bored face and monotone voice— I - what I'm trying to say is how you make me feel all types of things at the same time to the point that my friends actually thinks I've turned insane and obsessive - not that I am, it's just, your eyes, your grin, the way you laugh, the way you walk and move - everything about you is making my heartbeat skip like a maniac. And I can't help it when my own soul is saying nothing more but to be yours.

"All that I'm trying to say is that,
I'm in love with you."

He got it out of his chest... Holy shit, he finally got it off of his chest. If before he feels like he was hoarding two sets of full golden armour on his body, now it's as if he weighed as heavy as a petal of a dandelion. Technoblade felt like he could literally jump off a thirty-five high tower and have his shoes enchanted with feather-falling. The euphoria clouding his relieved mind.

"Techno, I—" David's ears perked up, he paused his little proud dance inside his head to focus on what Darryl has to say.

Dilated brown eyes constricted upon noticing the other's clenching fist and tight lips. From swimming in euphoric cloud nines to diving in head first to a sea of sharp knives that are facing up, the pastel coloured lights combusted into darker, less vibrant hues. 

And for the first time since forever, the night had never felt so cold and isolated. 

"I— you don't..." The brunet took a deep breath then sighed as he pinched his nose.

"Techno, you don't know what you're saying. Muffin... you fell in love with a persona."

Furrowing his own eyebrows, David hastily gulped before asking in a put off tone, "..Persona?"

BadBoyHalo shook his head, taking a step back with a forced chuckle coming out of his lips. "You don't know me—"

"Well let me! I'm serious when I said I like you and wanted to be yours." Technoblade argued back, standing on his ground with determination radiating his soul. Was Bad serious? After all those times... 

The kind smiles;

The comfort;

The butterfly on a poppy... no. Those were not a facade. When Technoblade studied human psychology after getting bored of the dictionary, he's confident in his skills to distinguish an act from authentic displays. 

David wanted to prove his point, he really did. Though when Darryl gave him that stern look and stoic voice, he just knew he had to back down. 

"Mr. Blade, I'm sorry but I think what you're asking for is impossible."

Bad moved aside, passing Techno as he quickly walked out leaving the air no room for negotiation. The pink head clenched his hand into fists, he wanted to say more... he hissed and dropped his head down, fighting the urge of a choke threatening to come out his throat.

Once again, despite being on top of it all - living in a palace, gaining popularity, getting strong, and being the number one... none of it could fill the void in his chest, and he was left with a huge sign over his head with the word 'Loser' written in cursive.

Well, it happens.

"I'm sick of losing soulmates, so where do we begin?

I can finally see, you're as f*cked up as me,

...so how do we win?"


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