(47) Introduced

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The door opened and every single cell of their body seemed to scream their life away for standing at the other side of the door were two people with distinguishable features. It seemed that the pair were also ready to head out, dressed in proper outdoor clothes for the evening. A man and a woman, both in their early forties, froze on the spot upon landing their eyes on them. 

At that moment, Bad couldn't help but start pointing out the similarities. 

The man, Henry Eric J. Barton—Technoblade's father—has the obvious face structure as his son: sharp jawline and almond-shaped eyes. The brunette's willing to bet his emeralds that when Techno reach the age forties, he would exactly look like him minus the jet-black hair and neatly fixed stubble. Shoulders are straight, emitting a bold and intimidating aura. 

Besides him stood his wife, Dianne V. Barton—Technoblade's mother—holds the gentle and caring soul that she has thought her son to be. She has the same warm brown eyes that her son posses along with the pointed nose. Her light brown hair carefully braided and her eyes sparkled with hope and familiarization upon meeting her son's gaze.

She was the first one to break the ice.


The woman called out with the corner of her tired eyes crinkling in joy. Hazel turning glossy as she took careful steps with her hands covering her mouth as if the image of her son would disappear if she dares utter another noise. 

With an overwhelming sense of honey buttercup and melodic piano plays, Techno raised a hand and gave an awkward wave. "I'm home, ma." 

Darryl stayed back, a small smile gracing his features as his heart flutter at the sight if wonderful family reunion. Contented and happy, the woman immediately engulfed the boy with dyed pink hair into a hug, tears pouring out of her eyes as she hugs her son with a squeeze, unable to believe that he was right in her arms once again. 

A minute later, Henry decided to join in, hugging both his wife and son, ruffling Techno's pink hair with a grin on his face. "My boy, you actually came!" his deep vibrato echoed out, laughing in amusement and satisfaction. 

When the parents reluctantly let go of their son, there were stains of happy tears on their eyes and cheeks. 

"Woahoh! Well isn't the grand Technoblade? My son!" his dad loudly exclaimed with a proud smile. His mother then lightly slapped him on the arm at the mention of his alias. Her eyes filled with delight.

"Davey, we didn't think you'll actually show! Oh god, look how much you've grown." 

Technoblade let out a nervous chuckle, a flustered blush creeping up his cheeks at the dawning realization that he missed this. He missed them, his parents. It's been years, too many to be apart. Enough years to change, indeed... 

The hero perked up, suddenly remembering the brunette's presence. Taking a deep breath, he took hold of Bad's hand in his, intertwining their fingers together and with newfound confidence as well as will, he faced his parents once again, tugging his partner close.

"Ma, pa, this is Darryl," he began and observed the morphing curiosity, hands squeezing his partner's for the last time, "..my boyfriend."


Splitting, the axe came down with a loud thud, effectively breaking the log in half. Technoblade took the fallen woods and brought them up into the bundle in his arm. Staying way back to let his father who insisted on chopping for them. Suppose it could have gotten worse. After the introduction, his mother was the first one to break out of their phase, sporting a kind smile as she engulfed BadBoyHalo into a hug.

His father, however, remained silent. There was an odd expression in the man's face that made Techno feel like a child again. Hesitating, reluctant to ask their parents if they could play outside with their friends or ask for more candy.

Once done with the hug, Dianne explained to the young heroes that she and her husband were just heading out to get some more wood and food from the market, hence, why they split off. David and Henry to the forest, Darryl and Dianne to the market.

Wonder how that's holding up.

Idk why I get the urge to speedrun this story. 

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