(42) Not Yet

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Another filler chapter... Slowburn, remember?


The sun blared through the small crack between the curtains, landing straight on Technoblade's face, making the hero stir in his sleep. It was 7:13 in the morning. The distant sound of chickens doing their wake-up call along with the slight buzz of movement from the neighbourhood had given a warmth sense of feeling—as well as annoyance—in the pink head's mind. 

David stirred for a little bit before eventually giving up on trying to fall back into slumber. Groaning from the natural alarm clocks in the morning, David carefully sat up, letting the soft texture of blanket fall down on his lap. He ruffled his pink, fluffy hair, taking a guess with himself that his mess of a hair must've looked like a lion mane... which he isn't wrong. His hair is poking out in every direction.

Rubbing his eye, Technoblade glanced over to his right where his ears perked up at the small snores that are coming from someone with a blonde-brown hair. Tearing his gaze away from the outside world, his attention was caught with the sight of how peaceful BBH looked in his sleep. His long lashes complimenting his sleeping face with his pink lips formed in a faint smile. The sight gave him an unimaginable warmth that spread throughout his chest. Careful as a mouse, he let a hand go up and move the few locks that had fallen on the man's forehead.

Techno had to resist the urge on booping Bad's nose with a finger, instead, he slowly landed himself back down, head propped on an elbow whilst facing the sleeping brunette. With his free hand, he took the blanket back up and over to Bad's shoulder, making sure that the boy was correctly tucked in. Exhaling a small sigh, all that's he's left to do was enjoy the sight he had in front of him. 

Don't get him wrong, David knows that staring is a little bit creepy. But, of course, you just couldn't help it when something you never thought you'd ever had would be right there, laying close to you. He just couldn't believe it no matter how many times he reminded himself. The man with pink-dyed hair swears that the brunette would've said no. Too scared of opening up unto a secret...

David frowned at the thought. Even though he now has the title of being Darryl's boyfriend—gosh, he'll never get used to being called that, wouldn't he?—the brunette was still insistent on keeping the secret to himself. David wants to let Darryl know that he isn't alone anymore. That he can be trusted. 

Despite almost practically living under the same roof, the brown-haired hero still insisted on wearing dark, long sleeves shirts. He would make sure that David wouldn't be able to see the scars he thought he hadn't already seen. What can he do to make Darryl believe that he could trust him? 

...to gain something, you gotta lose something. 

And David does have a pretty decent skeleton in his closet. Well, not really, but maybe if he somehow prove himself by showing something valuable, just maybe.

The pink-haired man sighed. Flushing down the current thoughts for later use. Right now, all he can do is admire what's in front of him. His big brown eyes softened, pupils full of tender as he carefully caress Bad's face with the tip of his fingers, loving at how he's able to reach him. Bad looked like an angel, so peaceful free of the world's hideous glitches; free from whatever demon that's keeping him from being himself. A masterpiece that one wouldn't be able to see. 

The corner of his lips tugged up upward, letting the comfortable ambience to soothe him in and without even thinking, he whispered out, "I love you..." 

BBH began to stir in his sleep and for a moment, Technoblade feared he had accidentally slip out the meaningful words he hadn't meant to say yet. Not when the brunette is still wary. Not when he still wanna hide in his cubby that's only offer his isolation. Not yet.

After recovering from his mini heart attack, David sat up, scratching his head whilst he silently cuss himself out. Besides the hero stirred the brunette and slowly, eyelashes fluttered up revealing the most bright green eyes one could see in the early morning.

When David turned his head, a smile covered up his embarrassment within a flash. "Good morning, sleepyhead" he greeted and covered up a chortle once Darryl sat up, stretching his arms with a loud yawn. "Good morning to you too, muffinhead."

Technoblade couldn't help but stare at the sight in front of him. Bad has his hair cosplaying as a bird's nest, a not-so visible dried up drool at the corner of his lips. The pink head simpered, tilting his head whilst allowing the unique feeling of warmth spreading throughout his torso. A fond expression is written on his face as the brunette reach over to his bedside table so he could grab ahold of his silver glasses.

Green eyes blinked, likely to pass the blurriness away before it gazes up to the clock hanging on the wall. It read: 7:47 in the morning... Those same green eyes widened, giving a quick glance at the calendar next to him before practically jumping out of bed--taking Technoblade off-guard in the process--and stumbling towards the bathroom's location.

"Holy muffin! You didn't tell me that it's Wednesday! I'll be late for my whole day class in the park!" He was talking about one of his volunteer-jobs of being a teacher to kids whose families could not afford to enrol them in a proper school. David forced himself to stand up as well, already slipping his slipped from the side of the bed.

"The class doesn't start until 8:35!" He spoke, "Go ahead, I'll prepare breakfast for us."

Darryl froze, already halfway to the bathroom with his foot dragging his own slipper with him. Slowly, the brunette turned around, a shy smile playing on his lips when his eyes met David's.

"Thank you."

Was what he said before booking it to the bathroom, leaving Techno in stunned silence.

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My mind's currently troubled since school is literally going to start in a few days... wish me luck! Sorry that it's a bit uneventful, it's just a low landing. There's something else that's going to happen soon... hopefully.

Share this story to some of your friends out there who's open to shipping rare pairs! Gotta spread the word especially with Techno and BBH now could possibly be in a call together. On camera this time with all the stuff that's happening in the SMP.


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