(18) Players Meeting

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The meeting has started. This is Techno's chance to execute his plan. They would start with the reoccurring problem they always get. To split off a certain pair... 

"Before we get back to the main topic, there is a newly joined team at the table. Everyone, please welcome them, the Dream Team." The moderator introduced, gesturing towards the three new faces in the table. Technoblade didn't really care who it was but when he heard Badboyhalo clapping in excitement, he just had to take a look.

"Woohoo! Go you muffinheads!" the brunet exclaimed with a bright smile. David couldn't help but wonder who these people are and how Darryl seems to be close to them. 

As if reading his mind, Philza leaned over from his seat to whisper to him. "It's the guys that are rumoured to be one of the bests. Heard that they broke a few records at every village games they joined in from the last couple of months." Technoblade nodded, warily eyeing the trio. 

"The guy with white goggles is GeorgeNotFound. He's like the best support of the group. Healings, assists, you name it. A strategist. It also seems that he and Wil got the same background. 

"Next one is Sapnap, the one wearing a bandana over his head. He's known to be the most aggressive member of the group, a bit opposite of George. He's one of those people whose got amazing PVP skills, known for his barbaric acts. People said he could actually go head to head with Skeppy." 

Phil explained, David just nodded. Eyes following each member introduced. The blond then pointed over the one sitting in the middle of the pair.

"The one in a green hoodie with a mask is DreamWasTaken, you should be careful around him. They say that he's really good and could actually be the perfect competitor for you. They also said that he's after your records on the individual leader boards." 

David can't help but feel a chill run down his spine. He feels like he's being sized up, like some sort of danger is hiding behind the innocent smiley mask. He's not good news. David concluded before prying his eyes away from the dream team. 

"Alright, now that's out of the way, I assume that Team 4, by the audience and higher ups' request, Skeppy and Badboyhalo would once again be separated." That, of course, imbalance the teams. This also means that some teams would also be required to have their members be removed. This, right here, is Techno's plan.

The pink-haired hero raised his arm catching the moderator's attention. "Yes, Technoblade?" 

"Since you're moving a member away from team 4, I would like to offer a spot for BadBoyHalo in team 2. Besides, we got a spare." Techno delivered in his ever-so-deep voice with his usual blank look. This, of course, received him confused looks from all the players around the table -including Bad whose eyes widened like saucers. Saved for the unbothered look from his friends, an expected glare from Skeppy, and an amused (gesture) from Dream.

The mod was surprised, probably expecting the hero to ask for the Diamond boy, not the other one. "That's very thoughtful of you, Technoblade, but we had actually already prepared  this beforehand." This announcement caught David off-guard. 

They never planned like the groups closed doors before, why the sudden change? "What." was the only word he spoke in his usual monotone voice. Maybe a pitch higher than usual.

The moderator nodded his head, gesturing the papers in his hand, "Actually, the player who would be taking up your space would be Tommyinnit." Five seats from him, he heard the young player perk up with a grin. Wilbur sweat-dropped, taking his chance to glance at his friend— oop, yep. The pig's pissed alright.

"And Badboyhalo would be transferred to join the dream team—" The green-hoodied male has his arms crossed and did not flinch when Technoblade suddenly slammed his hand down the table with a loud thump sound. From behind his pink locks, Techno narrowed his oak-brown eyes towards the moderator with a serious look.

"I'm sorry, let me rephrase what I said. I. want. Badboyhalo. —in my team. for this season."

The moderator raised their hands up, intimidated by the man he knows the capabilities of. "B—but, Mr Blade, the— Tommyinnit has already taken the slot in your team. You will pass the members' limit and it will surely not be fair for the other groups." David felt a twitch in his eyebrow, slightly annoyed that some kid has actually managed to join and ruin his master plan. 

He felt a tug by his coat and turned to face his blonde friend. "It appears that Tommy is an add-on, much like to the Dream team. So I'm afraid we can't do anything else but accept him in." Philza whispered in a sympathetic voice, he knows how stubborn his friend could be. Technoblade exhaled a defeated sigh. Guess this is just how fate is.

"If that's the case, then, let Badboyhalo take my place." 

This time, all heads turned towards the man wearing a tux. Wilbur took Jshlatt's wrist and pulled him closer in order to whisper, "Babe, what are you doing?" The man gave him a reassuring smile. 

"Mr Schlatt?" 

Jonathan shrugged. He gave Wil a wink before altering his attention towards the moderator, "What? Come on now, chop-chop. Let's get this meeting over with." Schlatt clapped his hands together, sending a discreet thumbs up to David who tried to suppress a smile. The mod hesitantly nodded, glancing back down at the paper in hand. 

"Uhm.. okay, uh—"

"What? No! Bad's going to join Dream's group and that's final." Unsurprisingly, Skeppy stood up from his seat with an arm gestured towards the said group itself not before giving piercing glare on Technoblade's way. If looks could kill, the pink head knew he'd be dead back then.

Badboyhalo stood up as well, a hand placed over his shorter friend's shoulder with a worried look. "Skeppy—" he tried in vain. 

"Bad, don't you start!" The diamond boy tugged the brunet's hand with him as they excused themselves off the table to talk in private. The hushed arguments were passed between with Skep's arm flailing wildly and Bad's tentative posture. It was pretty clear who was winning the heated battle. 

While the two best friends had their unceremoniously "chat", the remaining players around the table has started to gossip with each other in not-so-hushed tones. Trying to be discreet on glancing at the reigning hero who just sent back a glare whenever he caught their stares. The only eyes that Techno wasn't able to scare was the dream team's. George and Sapnap gave each other a  glance behind Dream's back; and the guy himself had his head tilted, dirty blonde hair falling over the white mask. 

The chatter died down when they all noticed the pair heading back. Upon reaching, Zak slumped down on his seat, still glaring at David with his arms crossed. Darryl, on the other hand, looked calm as ever despite the slight tensing of his jaw every now and again. 

The moderator tilted their head. "Well?" 

Taking in a deep breath, Badboyhalo wiped his hands over his pants. "Uhm, alright... I'll join team 2."

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