(06) Class S mission

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There it is. Their goal and prey, the class S mission that are handed to team 3. The creature was enormous with the height of three stacked village houses. Darryl hummed, notepad already out in his hand, writing down what they see for observation. It was the wailing OctoQuid. An abomination of an octopus and a squid, how it ended up in this lake? They have no idea. 

The creature wailed, letting out ear-raping screeches that echoes about an eight-mile radius. It almost made it look like the lake was a jacuzzi or something compared to how wide it is. The lakewater had turned black, possibly from its ink... or was it something else? It varies with ten arms, eight short ones, and two strong tentacles that are both raised up the sky, trying to catch the birds that are flying above it. The head was shaped of an oval with two fins at each side. 

"Where do you think is its weak point?"

Normally, Techno would've already rushed in, creating said-plans on the spot. But when he noticed Bad squinting his eyes and writing away in his pad of paper, he decided to wait up and let the planner take the lead.

Bad pressed his pen against his temple, clearly focused and serious. "Well, I say if we hit directly on the eyes, we have a larger possibility of defeating it. Also, the OctoQuid seems to be protecting its head from the birds," he pointed at the sky where the said creatures are flying while dodging the two tentacles in the air. "If we damage the head just right, we might be able to kill it."

Technoblade hummed at this, already getting his diamond sword out. "Good catch," he smirked with a wink to the brunette who was lucky to have his hood up and covering his flustered face.

The pink head was about to rush in when Bad stopped him by grabbing his arm, "Ah- Techno, I suggest we avoid the uh... black stuff." He pointed at the lakewater. 

David nodded his head, "Alright, here's the gameplan. I'll go in and try and get us some of those suckers—" he pointed at the ten tentacles of the creature, it was, after all, their mission to not only defeat the giant monster but to also grab one of its suckers as proof. "—and you will be the one to hit its head, alright?"

Darryl opened his mouth to reply when David gave him a thumbs up and pulled out an iron axe from his Hotbar. He took huge steps backward until he was right beside a tree. With one huge swing and enough strength, David sliced through the bark; making the rest of the tree to come falling down, creating a mini part for David to run on top towards the gigantic OctoQuid. 

The creature seemed to have notice him because it raised one of its eight arms before immediately slamming it back to crush him.

Upon seeing this, Technoblade leaped off the tree just in time for the tentacle crushing it underneath its weight. As it did that, he landed on top of the creature's arm, wielding his sword ready when he saw another tentacle coming its way with speed. Huffing, he raised up the blade with a tight grip before connecting it to the upcoming arm. 

Slicing the tentacle in half, the warrior was too distracted to notice the OctoSquid's dominant tentacle sneaking to grab him by his waist before hoisting him high up the air.

Loudly puffing out some air, Techno felt his insides getting slowly squeezed by the uncomfortable suckers that felt like his body was literally getting nibbled on by vacuum cleaners. If not for his red coat, he's sure that he'll have huge bruises all over his torso.

Realizing that he would not be able to slip out, he raised his sword up and dug it deep into the monster's flesh, weirdly enough, David felt like he was slicing through a body of a Magma. The arm then started violently shaking, he glanced over to the OctoQuid's head and this is when he saw seven arrows sticking through the monster's fins. The creature flailed its arms causing for the tip - in which David was being held by - to rip open by the wound that David had caused. 

It kept wailing and screeching, effectively throwing the detached tip out, also thankfully throwing Technoblade on the land and not in the murky black liquids. Untangling himself from the fallen arm, he took out his axe once again and quickly sliced a chunky part off the tentacle for their proof and putting it in his Hotbar. Exhaling loudly, Techno took the moment to feel his sides, sure enough, he felt a slight pain by his waist. 

Grabbing his Diamond sword, he was about to head back in to finally get to kill the gigantic thing when he noticed a black liquid oozing out by the suckers on the arm. Crouching down, oak brown eyes examined the fishy liquid and decided to touch it by the nearest object he could grab. This object being a flower, he slowly lowered it down the leaking sucker.

The liquid was sticky like an ink. He proceeded to let the plant touch the dark liquid before suddenly letting go of it after hearing a familiar hiss that sounded like burning. 

David jumped back, eyes now wide knowing that he had learned something new and dangerous about the mob they were fighting. Alert and a bit paranoid, He looked back at the direction he had last seen Darryl, the brunette was now getting another arrow from his quiver. The pink-haired man then glanced at the monster, it looked mad. Really mad. 

The OctoQuid screeched once more, this time showing off its parrot-like beak. It raised its other good, dominant tentacle, raising it up as high as its head, suckers aimed at the brunette's direction. David clenched his grip on his sword, he knows that it was bout to sprout out its ink at Darryl and he has no time to waste. 

Upon running on instincts, Techno yelled out Bad's nickname, catching the said male's attention. The taller man then threw out his sword - realizing that it was slowing him down - and ran faster than his previous pace. The OctoSquid had shot out an ink, making it too late to warn the brunette. Opening his arms wide, Technoblade ran in front of the ink's way, hitting him instead. 

He felt the black gooey ink burn through the layer of his clothes until it reached his skin. He then felt the stinging pain on his back by his shoulder blade. Instantly bringing him down, falling over with heavy breaths.

"Oh my ff—muffin!! Techno!" Bad quickly went beside him with concern filled in in his emerald eyes.

Still groaning in pain, Techno struggled to open his eyes as he pointed over the giant monster. "Finish it." Were his last words before darkness overtook his vision with Bbh's yelling echoing in the background.

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